Portland Killer Is a Bernie Sanders Supporter – IOTW Report

Portland Killer Is a Bernie Sanders Supporter

DailyCaller: Jeremy Joseph Christian, the 35-year-old Portland man who allegedly murdered two men and left another critically wounded while yelling anti-Muslim slurs in a knife attack on Friday, has been painted by the mainstream media as a “right-wing extremist,” but posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

According to screen captures of his Facebook page obtained by Buzzfeed, Christian was not a Trump supporter, as many media outlets claimed, but was a supporter of the idea of a Sanders/Stein ticket.

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7 Comments on Portland Killer Is a Bernie Sanders Supporter

  1. Actually he was carrying a Bible. There ‘s some video of him confronting Pro Trump people and cops right before he turned into Mr. slice and dice. The Trump supporters warned LEO, they ignored it.

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