Secretary of Defense James Mattis was asked: ‘What Keeps You Up At Night?’ – IOTW Report

Secretary of Defense James Mattis was asked: ‘What Keeps You Up At Night?’

 More on that interview HERE

17 Comments on Secretary of Defense James Mattis was asked: ‘What Keeps You Up At Night?’

  1. I bet he does.
    I’m glad he does.
    In fact, the restfulness of my sleep is inversely proportional to the sleep of the folks General Mattis is referring to.

  2. I’d like to quote Conan the Barbarian regarding his fleeing enemies and lamentations of their women or the movie Aliens with the advice to nuke them from orbit, just to be sure. His will do just fine though. I want the hellish islamic world to tremble in fear of when we will next disproprtionately retaliate for their support of terrorism. I’d like the promise to be 1000 dead muslims for every innocent person they kill.

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