Navy SEAL Dies In Parachuting Demonstration – IOTW Report

Navy SEAL Dies In Parachuting Demonstration


The SEAL was part of the Navy’s elite parachute team, the Leap Frogs, and he was pronounced dead after his parachute malfunctioned and he landed in the Hudson River, according to a press release from the U.S. Navy.  – MORE


8 Comments on Navy SEAL Dies In Parachuting Demonstration

  1. I do not understand why these risks are taken in the name of entertainment? These air shows and “demonstrations” are too dangerous to be doing for pure entertainment. All these stunts should be grounded, the Blue Angels, the Thunderbirds, the Leap Frogs, the Golden Knights and all the others.

    Training is one thing and defending our country is yet another – but this is unacceptable.

    I know that some of these shows and such are supposedly recruiting ploys or propaganda to drum up support for the military but when young men like this dies for no rel reason it is a monumental tragedy.

    I am so sorry for this mans friends and family. Saying he died doing something he loved is stupid. People said that to me about my brother and it was the worst thing they could say. He would have rather kept doing it for another 50 years…

  2. The jumpers practice all the time with the same dangers as the show. Every inch of that chute will be studied. It could be a packing error or a jumper error. Everybody that made any decisions and carried any responsibility for the jump will be questioned and investigated.

  3. What difference does it make whether they practice out in the boonies or do it in front of a crowd? One helluva lotta good folks have died in practice. This tragedy is rare. Successful performances are an extremely valuable recruiting tool. Thoughts and prayer to him, his family, and his friends. At least we don’t have to worry about a Commander in Chief and Secretary of State lying to his family.

  4. Those of us who have served and done crazy shit, we do it
    because we loved our job, and if I were young again, I’d do
    it again.

    Get the phuck over it. It’s not like they are bus drivers and
    die in a wreck with a drunk.

    He cut away his chute to stabilize his fall, it didn’t work. God
    bless to the young man and his family in their sorrow.

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