Pelosi: Trump Budget A “Merciless Killer” – IOTW Report

Pelosi: Trump Budget A “Merciless Killer”

WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) –  House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (RTRD-CA) called President Donald Trump’s FY 2018 budget “literally a killer” in an impassioned speech during a Congressional Democratic press conference on Tuesday:

“Uh, I have seen dangerous budgets before, but never one like this. This one is a killer, and I mean that literally.

Unleashing this budget on the American people would, ah, result in famished children begging like rats for food in malls across the country. Entire families, especially you know, negros mostly, dying of easily-preventable diseases like scurvy and, ah, maybe syphilis and things of that nature.

Old people, including some senior citizens, feeling faint because they are deprived of needed medicines. Going out of control on those little, ah, what do you call them? Scooters? more here

16 Comments on Pelosi: Trump Budget A “Merciless Killer”

  1. What happened to the old healthcare plan pushing granny off a cliff in her wheelchair? Now no one gives even a push, just simply fall over dead in the chair, err, scooter? Ugh.

  2. I watched both Congressional budget hearings.

    Somehow Scooter has slipped from satire into reality. The D’s actually howled that this budget will kill people. Specifically children, old people, the disabled, the homeless and vets, and all minorities. Then ironically, screeched the budget will not KILL ENOUGH people if Planned Parenthood funding is stopped.

    Dems fell apart about losing funding for PBS, NPR, the arts. Mulvaney informed the honored Congressional hearing that Big Bird inc makes more money than anyone in the room.

    A dim Dem hollered about how the budget will cancel meals on wheels and kill and starve old people – Mulvaney replied: that story was fake and retracted by the Washington Post a week ago.

    Scooter cannot make up satire about the dim Dems that doesn’t come true.

  3. I wonder how much it would cost to bribe someone to slip something like this that was tailored to the audience and was kind of close to her original speech. I’ll bet she gets right through it without realizing she’s been had. The only time a politician is truly through is when they become a source of public ridicle by everyone. Dmn it sure would be funny.

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