Iran: Saudi rulers are “worthless, inept, and villainous.” – IOTW Report

Iran: Saudi rulers are “worthless, inept, and villainous.”

Takes one to know one.

Breitbart: Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei launched his latest rhetorical broadside at Iran’s arch-rivals in Saudi Arabia from a ceremony commemorating the Muslim holiday of Ramadan on Saturday. Khamenei said the Saudi rulers are “worthless, inept, and villainous.”

Khamenei also insulted the Saudis as “idiots” for thinking they could purchase the friendship of “pagans and enemies” with their oil money, describing them as “milk cows for the Americans.”

Khamenei said the Muslim world is in “grave danger” because of leaders like the Saudis and their “refusal to follow the Koran and lack of belief in the truth.”

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8 Comments on Iran: Saudi rulers are “worthless, inept, and villainous.”

  1. It seems to me that the Wahhabi way of insinuating Islam into western societies has been much more effective than shiite-heads running around screaming d”death to America!!”.

  2. “worthless, inept, and villainous.”… They must have been hacking conservative websites discussing Obama, in order to come up with descriptive polysyllabic English words like that.

  3. Perhaps it will occur to them to wipe out each other. They could start by firebombing each others’ mosques, and proceed to retiring Imams, and then eliminating the opposing constituencies entirely.
    I understand FEMA has stockpiled a supply of suitable plastic receptacles, and actual Camps where the theocratic mutual-elimination process can proceed without interruptions.

    Izlamo delenda est, as Tim says so well.

  4. Funny, did the Iranians ever look at the pallets of money we flew over to them? Monopoly is a great game, but we don’t use it in our system as currency. It’s utterly worthless. What a bunch of dicks. 🤙 💩 🤡 🕋 🤣

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