Fussy Fickle Fashionistas Feeling Foolish – IOTW Report

Fussy Fickle Fashionistas Feeling Foolish

Patriot Retort:

Well, I think it’s fair to say we saw this coming.

Back in November, fashion designer Sophie Theallet sent out an open letter to all her fellow fashionistas. She urged them not to provide dresses for the incoming First Lady.

And since some of you are probably asking yourselves, “Who the hell is Sophie Thealett?!”

Let me give you a visual aid. Sophie is the one who designed this seizure-inducing frock:

At the time, I wrote:

I have no doubt it will all come back to bite them in the ass.

In the end, they’ll look like the fools that we already know they are.

Guess what? I was right.

And all it took was First Lady Melania’s first foreign trip.

Now these fickle fashionistas are suddenly changing their tune.  MORE

13 Comments on Fussy Fickle Fashionistas Feeling Foolish

  1. There is an old saying: “the best revenge is living well”. In the case of our First Lady, the best revenge is looking Fabulous!!, in whatever she may pull out of the closet. Let the Dumb Bastard fashionistas stew in their own juice.

  2. I’d like to see FLOTUS Melania in the identical “fashions” worn by that galumph who occupied the WH before her. That would settle who can “do” fashion and who was stuffed into the rags from the rag trade. I bet Mrs. Trump could even make Thealett’s overpriced crap look good.

  3. Stupid Lefties play stupid mean spirited games, and get stuck with stupid prizes.

    I hope FLOTUS never gives these people the time of day for 8 long years. She would look great in “off the rack” remainders from an Outlet mall. She doesn’t need these unreliable disloyal hangers-on.

    Ivanka has a line of clothing I’m sure Melania would look great in, as always. Keep it in the family.

    A FLOTUS to be proud of. She looked great at the G7, overshadowing that elderly frump, Macron’s grandmother-“wife”.

  4. Gads! How quickly our memories bury the unpleasant. I had forgotten the Goodwill upholstery fabric fashion(?) of Michelle.

    Now, was that a ‘seizure inducing’ dress for an HRC visit? If so, the former FLOTUS was maniacal in her dislike of all things Clinton. Perhaps shirts made of that material should be worn to all HRC gatherings, by her less than adoring (sane) public.

  5. Melania would look fantastic in a gunny sack. It wouldn’t matter what you put on her. Mooch, on the other hand, couldn’t be disguised. You can’t make a wookie into a woman.

  6. Without Heels, Melania is 5′ 11″, and DJT is still half a head taller next to her. The Wookie is also 5′ 11″, but it’s girth is about 4 feet in the hips.

  7. When the lefty designers decide to start sending their clothes to the White House Melania should put them up for auction and give the money to a right-to-life charity.

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