President Trump Meets With 2 New Candidates For FBI Director Role – IOTW Report

President Trump Meets With 2 New Candidates For FBI Director Role

John Pistole

OAN Newsroom

President Trump meets with more candidates as he continues his search for a new FBI director.

At the White House Tuesday, he met with former head of the TSA John Pistole and former Assistant Attorney General Chris Wray to discuss the position.

According to administration officials, the meetings will continue until President Trump finds the “right leader.”

Pistole previously worked at the FBI for more than 20 years and served as Deputy Director for the last six.

Wray previously worked under ousted FBI director James Comey at the Justice Department when Comey was the Deputy Attorney General.

3 Comments on President Trump Meets With 2 New Candidates For FBI Director Role

  1. The priority is breaking up Mexican drug cartels, unmasking and dismantling the Islamist invasion Fifth Column, and rounding up for life sentences about 100 top Washington predators to protect the Republic (Clintons and their assorted henchmen).

    That man is probably not going to be found among longtime FBI careerists.
    Ex military would be an interesting shake-up.

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