Elon Musk Threatens to Quit Advisory Panel if President Trump Dumps His Subsidies – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Threatens to Quit Advisory Panel if President Trump Dumps His Subsidies

Breitbart: Elon Musk is threatening to resign from President Donald Trump’s business advisory panel if he extracts Americans from the Paris Climate Agreement which indirectly subsidizes Musk’s multiple billion-dollar business projects.

The Wednesday threat came after news reports announced that Trump has decided to quit the 2016 agreement, which critics say would increase energy costs for U.S. consumers, factories and workplaces.

The threat was delivered via a pair of tweets from the entrepreneur, who has skillfully harnessed a variety of federal regulations to subsidize his Tesla electric-car company, his SolarCity energy company, and a Nevada battery factory.  read more

27 Comments on Elon Musk Threatens to Quit Advisory Panel if President Trump Dumps His Subsidies

  1. Portraying the Paris Climate Agreement as some benign, voluntary happy words.
    Guess which group doesn’t get to volunteer for the mandatory repercussions.
    US Taxpayers.
    When all Global Elites are freaking over a withdrawal…
    Count me as all in…
    On OUT.

    “Drive them Out, Pull ’em Out… All Out”

  2. Tesla is wildly overvalued. The concept of the cars is cool but unfortunately they are pieces of shit. They’re dealing with quality problems of 70’s era vehicles and when legacy manufacturers come online with model S killers, Tesla is going to flop.

  3. Tesla’s much-touted “Everyman” Model 3 is going to be an electric Edsel. It will most likely sink this nutjob’s car business and force him into the arms of the government’s space program.

    If Trump doesn’t exit the Paris Treaty and simply puts it to a Senate vote, you’d better pray they veto it or all present lifestyles are going in the crapper. 🙁

  4. We’re supposed to trust the judgment of someone, anyone, everyone that would put Elon Musk on a “business advisory panel”?

  5. Is Musk the guy with Space-X, shooting rockets with tons of pollution into space? Maybe I’m thinking of someone else. I’m getting old, so I forget. Actually, there’s too many of these scam artists to keep track off. I could always ask Al Gore…

  6. Elon Musk is a hustler who would be out of business in a day if the government(s) stopped subsidizing everything his companies make. That includes spaceex, the Teslas, solar panel companies, everything is built on government grants, government contracts, emission standard subsidies, everything. I hope Trump pulls out of Paris, and start to cut federal government cash in whatever form to companies that can’t make it on their own. Startup capital as a loan is one thing but what Musk and some others have done is riduculous.

  7. Kind of funny….Musk made millions off the taxpayers with our money in green energy subsidies. Angus “Himself” King (I)(really C for commie) from ME made millions when he was Governor by giving himself and his company millions of taxpayer dollars for his windfarms that are a bust and Angus drives a Tesla.

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