Andrea Mitchell: Clinton Is ‘Drawing a Conspiracy Theory’ By Accusing Americans of Coordinating With Russian Hackers – IOTW Report

Andrea Mitchell: Clinton Is ‘Drawing a Conspiracy Theory’ By Accusing Americans of Coordinating With Russian Hackers

Breitbart: On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” Andrea Mitchell, NBC’s Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and the host of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” stated that former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s accusation that Americans directed and colluded with Russia to “weaponize information” against her is “basically pointing to the Trump campaign,” a charge where Clinton “doesn’t have the evidence,” and is “drawing a conspiracy theory.”

Mitchell said, “Well, she, first of all, really drilled down on the fake news, the role of Infowars, and said that it was very clear to her that there were Americans directing and colluding, conspiring really with the Russian hackers, with Guccifer, with the others who were involved in the hacking, in the dropping of WikiLeaks only an hour after the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape was disclosed, and saying that they were doing so with such political sophistication. She’s basically pointing to the Trump campaign, saying that the dots are now being connected in the investigation.”  MORE

21 Comments on Andrea Mitchell: Clinton Is ‘Drawing a Conspiracy Theory’ By Accusing Americans of Coordinating With Russian Hackers

  1. Did anybody ever say the D-campaign wikileaks were not true? Even before the election?

    Though I’m sure, as some anonymous leakers have leaked, Russia kept her from campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan.

  2. I think Hillary is losing the media now. Mitchell has been a Demcrat shill for decades now and this interview was not particularly supportive of Clinton. She said that Clinton is spinning a conspiracy theory with no proof and that her hope is the special counsel will find something to support her allegations. I wonder whether the powers that run the MSM and the Democrat party have decided to withdraw support for Clinton. If that’s true, Clinton needs to either walk away or start watching her back because she knows where a lot of bodies (both figuratvely and literally) are buried.

  3. Personally, I hope Hillary continues to ramp this up all the way to the next election and beyond. It just keeps Americans like myself engaged in making sure to not return to the slumber that got us to Socialism / Communism in the first place.

    We need to hear more from the long-legged macdaddy too.

  4. Is Hilary running again in 2020? Per Doug Schoen Oh Yeah! Even if it’s only in her own mind, she is running.
    Even her own kind are starting to see what a delusional wacko liability she is to their trashed party.

  5. The “we wuz robbed!” Shtick is wearing thin. Even for hardcore Dems.

    Hilary hangs around like a ghost. Blaming even her “friends” now.

    Stupid, and tedious, and annoying– as always.

    She’s turning off her own base. Last night at a dinner I heard two hardcore Pink Pussyhat’s concede wistfully that “maybe she wasn’t a perfect candidate “.

    Once her disillusioned diehards finish deserting her, it will be easier to arrest, convict, and send her off to Gitmo.

  6. ” said that it was very clear to her”.

    Nothing is clear when it comes to HRC, except that she is a pathological liar, scumbag, sleazy reptile. Didn’t she invent the term ‘right wing conspiracy’, to deflect any investigation into the Clinton mafia?

    She is low-life trash. If it weren’t for conniving she’d be an old, drunk, hooker, passed out in a subway, somewhere.

    She is beyond dislike or hate, she is something to scrape off your shoes, knowing the stench will linger.

    The democrats deserve what they have allowed. They remind me of a person trying to to shake a booger from their finger. They just can’t do it.

  7. They’re just letting her dig her own grave now. They tried to drop hints, but to no avail. Nobody is afraid of her anymore, and there will be ten declared Dem candidates for the nomination by 2018. And the woods cry, “Hillary”.

  8. This is the very first time that the impoverished, third world shithole Macedonia has been implicated in overthrowing anyone since Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire in 344 BC. The Macedonians have been lying low for a very long time. Who knew that they had the technological skills and abilities to partner up with the Russkis and Wikileaks to bring ruination to the inevitable ascension of Hillary R. Clinton? Oh yes, they were all colluding with one Donald J. Trump and practically everyone he ever met to steal the election with the help of Obama’s Democrat Party. This is so touching. It makes me proud to have voted against her and her husband every time they gave me the opportunity. God speed, President Donald J. Trump.

  9. “Disloyal officers. All of them. Disloyal and envious. If the Caine hadn’t been pulled out of action, clearly a defective towline, no more no less, I would have proved through geometric logic that a duplicate key to the wardroom DID exist. And then, the strawberries, yes the strawberries …”

    Let’s make sure she has some ball bearings at Gitmo.

  10. The old bag has taken so many blows to the head she lost count of her election defeats. She’s got her stylish anti seizure sun glasses and daughter Chelsea to push her around in a wheel chair though.

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