“Making Fun of Hillary!” Tucker Obliterates Hillary’s Latest Trump-Russia Conspiracy Claims – IOTW Report

“Making Fun of Hillary!” Tucker Obliterates Hillary’s Latest Trump-Russia Conspiracy Claims

Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn share some laughs over Hillary Clinton’s latest remarks about the Trump-Russia election collusion conspiracy.


Hillary just went from criminal to criminally insane.

13 Comments on “Making Fun of Hillary!” Tucker Obliterates Hillary’s Latest Trump-Russia Conspiracy Claims

  1. Too old and too stupid to see her best plan would be to lay low, go away, and let memories fade until some kind of Nostalgia Fog effect kicks in.

    Instead she’s showing those who voted for her just how, um, egotistical and petty and unable to accept reality she really is.
    Almost as if she would have been disastrously unfit to be POTUS.

    Blaming the DNC and her staff is perfect. Keep it up, Cankles. You can turn on Podesta and Huma next.

    Hilary for Gitmo 2017.

  2. As you can tell, I’m fascinated by this wacky claim of Hillary’s that the Macedonians had some kind of evil hand in the Great Game of disrupting the election of our first woman president and our second lying, cheating Clinton to the office they besmirched so wantonly. Evidently, the woman formerly known as the most qualified person who ever sought this position, has tied Alexander the Great’s progeny to something she is calling a “Content Farm.” Just what in the hell is a “Content Farm” and why did the Russians and Trump select Macedonia as the location for this odious operation? Doesn’t this imply a fairly sophisticated and highly educated population is hidden from view in a country that no Middle Eastern refugee bothered to seek succor in after they escaped from Greece? I can only hope that Senators Franken and Shumer get to the bottom of this mystery.

  3. Ouch my head hurts. In pain from trying to comprehend all this while laughing at it all at the same time. What is with this bitter clinger that won’t let go of what already happened? Is she trying to be a historian? If Hillary could write history… a comedic novel

  4. HRC has managed the impossible!

    She has formed a one person, (with that one person being a WOMAN), circle jerk.

    I will from this day forth always refer to her as Side Show Hillary! See her slip the bounds of truth, honesty, integrity, and sanity all by herself. She can slip, slide, stomp, turn inside out, upside down, u-turn, obfuscate, send into space and beyond infinity, any minuscule amount of truth.

    Exposure to Side Show Hillary will make you feel as if you just got off a carnival ride that combines a tilt-a-whirl with the world’s wildest, fastest and steepest roller coaster.

    She reminds me of a baker, who makes a mistake decorating a cake and just piles more frosting on, hoping to hide the mistake, as the cake collapses under the weight of the frosting. Only in the case of Side Show Hillary, she keeps piling on the bullshit.

  5. Notice when she was on the campaign trail her hair was professionally done.
    Now she looks like she hasn’t washed her hair in a week.
    Sad Old Hag, fueled by booze and entitlement, she doesn’t notice the curtain has closed and the show is over.

  6. Last week, at the annual Democrat Communists for America reunion, Hillary was voted most likely
    to be cranially repaved by some serious bus tire tracks. She’s expendable now. And she knows
    it. She sounds deranged. Yes. But IMHO, I think she sounds panicked more than anything.
    The future Chelsea ticket is a joke. Bill is a walking corpse. And she’s hanging on a limb now by
    herself. The only thing positive about all this is I’ve amassed an admirable collection of wine and

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