Judicial Watch: New Emails Prove Hillary Shared Classified Info with Clinton Foundation – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: New Emails Prove Hillary Shared Classified Info with Clinton Foundation

The Lid: The mainstream media has spent much of the last two news cycles giving credence to Hillary Clinton’s excuses for losing the 2016 election. It will be interesting to see which (if any) media outlets cover this important Hillary story from Judicial Watch about a new release of her emails demonstrating that as Secretary of State, Ms. Clinton sent and received classified information using her unsecured email server and some of that classified information was shared with people who didn’t have clearance, including some of the Clinton Foundation personnel. Additionally she misused taxpayer-funded assets as Chelsea Clinton and others involved with the Clinton Foundation received special favors from Huma Abedin, her deputy chief of staff at Foggy bottom.

As usual Judicial Watch has led the way in getting information about Hillary Clinton’s Tenure at Foggy Bottom. This time 2,078 pages of documents were procured because they won another Freedom of Information Act lawsuit which requested all emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-‘state.gov’ email address.”

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13 Comments on Judicial Watch: New Emails Prove Hillary Shared Classified Info with Clinton Foundation

  1. There may be a Perfect Storm forming against Memaw Cankles that can’t be ignored anymore. From DNC folks publicly stating their desire to see her go back and stay in the woods, to Andrea Mitchell tiring of the Russia, Russia, Russia excuse, to the Seth Rich murder that just won’t go away, to Memaw’s Blame Tour that’s designed to deflect scrutiny (keep digging, Memaw), etc. etc. Now this article. I’m sensing a bit of weakness in the wall that’s protected the Clintons and it may not take much to start the collapse. Bring it on.

  2. The DOJ, FBI, Congress and the Media have all been paper tigers relating to the illegal actions, security breaches and corruption of Hillary, her staff and the Clinton Foundation.

    Judicial Watch is more thorough and determined to find the truth than the FBI, DOJ and Congress.

    How much more evidence does it take to empanel a grand jury?

  3. DUH!
    The whole point was to allow foreign agents to purchase passwords to access State Dept. files without leaving any trace. There’s no hacking if you have proper access.
    She sold out the country.
    She will not be prosecuted for it – she may be offered a fat, alcohol-laden, pervert-provided retirement out of the public eye.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The stack of corpses, the nuclear secrets, the influence peddling, the abandoned soldiers, the idiotic SoS tenure, the coverups and witness intimidation: our only hope is clot, a fall, a medical complication to end it.

  5. The dnc is a train wreck and every day more of the loyalists are realizing this. They are losing at everything, Trump ate their lunch bigly yesterday believe me, and they just keep losing seats. hilLIARy is a proven recipe for failure. They do have a huge herd of brainwashed sheep as followers who will do whatever they are told, but those who control the levers of power are less stupid and they have to realize that she has been a millstone around their neck for a long time.

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