Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal Sends 3 More to Jail – IOTW Report

Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal Sends 3 More to Jail

Former Penn State vice president Gary Schultz, former Penn State President Graham Spanier, and former Penn State athletic director Tim Curley were sentenced to jail Friday. (Uncredited)

(NEWSER) – Penn State’s former president and two other ex-administrators were sentenced Friday to at least two months in jail for failing to report a child sexual abuse allegation against Jerry Sandusky a decade before his arrest engulfed the university in scandal and brought down football coach Joe Paterno, the AP reports. “They ignored the opportunity to put an end to his crimes when they had a chance to do so,” Judge John Boccabella said. Prosecutors say the delay enabled Sandusky to molest four more boys. Boccabella said he was “appalled that the common sense to make a phone call did not occur,” a transgression that “sort of robs my faith of who we are as adults and where we are going.”

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11 Comments on Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal Sends 3 More to Jail

  1. just more evil sub humans being exposed. and when they get out I’m sure the communities they live in will shun them as the garbage they are. or not. don’t really care, but at least they now have this black cloud hanging over their heads for the rest of their miserable existence. although, I hear accidents have a tendency to happen in jail. I always try to look on the bright side of things. gary and graham look as though they might enjoy the time off.

  2. Don’t get me wrong, they are scum for not reporting, but are they under the same mandatory reporting rules as professional mental or physical health persons, etc. If so, then they should be strung up, if not, then they should be shamed, but not indited.

  3. Curley, Spanky & Schultz. Three Real Stooges.

    They should each be caged with a real Nittany mountain lion for 48 hours. That way, they could experience the fear the boys suffered at the hands of Sandusky.

    A couple of months in prison? How about a couple of YEARS!

  4. In my world, Pedophilia State would have been completely shut down.
    I’ve gotta hope that there’s a special place in hell for the evil imbeciles who said, “Duh, yup, I know boys are being molested but we can win the big game!”

  5. Spanier taught sexual aberration as a sociology professor long before becoming a president who endorsed it. He should have been hung as the perpetrator, and the three college supports network guys who let him do should be.

    I have always trusted and liked Joe Paterno, considered him a mentor and role model, but don’t tell me he didn’t know somehow what was going on.

    Win at all cost is what happened here.

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