California Senate Passes Bill Allowing Third Gender Option on IDs – IOTW Report

California Senate Passes Bill Allowing Third Gender Option on IDs


( – California lawmakers voted to pass a bill Wednesday that will add a third gender option – non-binary – on state identification cards.

Senate Bill 179, introduced by Sen. Tori Atkins, will now move onto Assembly after the 26-12 Senate vote. If it passes Assembly, California Gov. Jerry Brown can sign the measure into law, making California the first state to add a third gender option on IDs.

In addition to changing the gender selection on driver’s licenses, the bill would also allow three options for birth certificates, identity cards and gender change court orders.

The bill, if signed into law, will allow minors to apply for a gender change on their birth certificates with parental or guardian consent.

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24 Comments on California Senate Passes Bill Allowing Third Gender Option on IDs

  1. ‘non-binary’?
    how about … non-canary, non-stationary, non-singletary, non-solidarity, non-refractory, non-generic, non-cranial, non-octal, non-digital, non-tetrohedral, non-fractal, non-continental, non-pacific, non-specific, non-terrific, non-geodesic, non-jurrasic, non-paleotonic, non-humanoid, non-mongoloid, non-hemorrhoid, non-squattypotty, non-platonic, non-thinking …
    just non-sense

  2. Now this is what the California legislature needs to focus on – silly, stupid, and non-scientific, yet relatively inexpensive issues like gender identity on driver’s licenses. Otherwise, they would just spend their time passing programs that cost double the current state budget and stealing tax receipts supposedly earmarked for roads.

    I think the California legislature should spend the rest of this year and the next debating whether or not gerbils should be issued driver’s licenses, and if so what gender they should be considered – as well as conducting an extensive study of why gerbils don’t speak up on this issue.

  3. Not a surprise for this expected tranysition.

    moonbeam signed the law a couple of years ago that if anatomically/biologically you are a ‘x’ or ‘y’ chromosome and identify as the opposite, the gender of choice is mandated to be placed on the death certificate if desired by the decedent.

    That’ll confuse the crap out of genealogy researchers in years to come.

  4. Bad_Brad, I’ve a pretty converted Norinco milspec
    1911. She’s all Wilson Combat on the inside.;)
    Their frames take a big beating.
    My little Glock? That’s for quick shoots in
    bad situations.

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