Lawyer Suing DNC and Wasserman Schultz Claims Death Threats Are Being Made – IOTW Report

Lawyer Suing DNC and Wasserman Schultz Claims Death Threats Are Being Made

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13 Comments on Lawyer Suing DNC and Wasserman Schultz Claims Death Threats Are Being Made

  1. I think this is a case of trying to shine light everywhere, Ann Bernhardt recently had a post about that. Shine that light everywhere, reveal all of the info so every one can see. Too many people kept quite way too long. Or tried to slink around hoping to not get caught [Seth Richesque].
    This post is from the same person who just released a phone call from someone masking their voice but forgot to cover their caller ID tracks, it was from Debbie Whatsherface office. Improper [if not illegal] contact and request for info. This law office needs armed security now, the DNC and Clinton Crime syndicate will not think twice to kill every last one there.

  2. When your enemies begin to consume themselves, the best course of action is to pop some corn, ice some brewskis, sit back and enjoy the show.
    Demonrat law firm in the crosshairs……priceless.

  3. For a long time I’ve been convinced that DWS couldn’t run a gas station at a profit even if she stole the customers’ cars.
    The dopey crunt can’t figure out that a crank call made without caller ID being blocked is like a bank robber pulling up his ski mask to scratch the itch on his nose.

  4. The back story here is *very* complicated, but involves the Seth Rich (and other) murders, the Awan brothers data theft (…..since 1999!) of Congressional information and communication, international rat lines (guns and drugs out of Offutt AFB…. plus sex trafficking and…). It’s all pretty unbelievable. At the same time….

    ….This is how to steal *votes* (never mind the money) in the DNC election….

    This is pretty simple to understand…. (well, not really… smile…)

    Essentially, by creating fake (similar) names in the DNC database for suspected Bernie or Jill Stein voters and, then, negating the *actual votes* of Bernie and Jill Stein voters — non-match, non-match, cross-check!!! — *nationwide* during the primary, the bastards killed Bernie in the primary. Purty nifty!? Bernie would have won, by a landslide….

    I’ve been following George Webb for about a half a year now. (I’ve a super fraud sniffer and George is the real thing….. I don’t know if his work is protecting him from an assassination or getting him closer, but the more the audience grows, the harder it may be to off him. I hope so. He had a very close call just last week. He seems at peace with it all….)

    Couple of recent media points of interest:

    Remember that after the DNC hack, the DNC refused the FBI access to the servers, opting, instead, for a corrupt (?) private company, Crowdstrike, to “investigate.”

    Webb believes that the Awan brothers, who fled back to Pakistan, may *still* have access to Congressional communications and might have been responsible for a leak alerting the Black Hats to the special ops Yemen raid in January that killed Ryan Owens….. via old “Hillary-trusted” blackberries and other dated equipment which auto-synch with their servers — now in Pakistan….

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz in a recent video threatened the Capitol police “with consequences” if her confiscated IT blackberries etc, being held “as evidence,” in the Awan theft were not returned.

    Next, Wasserman Schultz has begun blaming Congressional IT administrators for “allowing” her to hire the Awan brothers (starting in 1999…) and not “stopping” her from non-compliance with IT rules, procedures and equipment.

    Hillary is now blaming the DNC database as being in disarray for her loss.

    There are more signs the cover story may be beginning to fray not obvious to most who are not accustomed to watching these affairs unfold closely, as would an entomologist looking at bugs under a microscope. …..Lady in Red

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