McAuliffe Passes Out College Board Seats to Current and Former Cabinet Members – IOTW Report

McAuliffe Passes Out College Board Seats to Current and Former Cabinet Members

Legal Insurrection:

This is a perfect example of the cronyism in government so many people have come to loathe.

The Washington Post reports:

McAuliffe rewards current and former Cabinet members with college board seats

Gov. Terry McAuliffe doled out some of Virginia’s juiciest political plums to seven current or former administration officials and two of their wives on Friday, appointing them to boards overseeing state colleges and universities.

It is not uncommon for governors to reward top donors and political allies with Board of Visitors seats, an unpaid but respected perch in the state’s highly regarded public university system. But McAuliffe (D) raised Republican eyebrows by unveiling so many administration-linked appointees at once, in his last round of Board of Visitors picks before he leaves office in January.  more

6 Comments on McAuliffe Passes Out College Board Seats to Current and Former Cabinet Members

  1. “McAuliffe rewards current and former Cabinet members with college board seats”

    Sooner or later we will be in a short lived gun fight with these ass holes. Then we’ll hang them.

  2. Here in the Great Dominion, we call him “McCriminal”
    Just kidding, it’s only me that calls him McCriminal, in N VA they worship him and the dem party and hillary and obozo and kaine and (the truly mentally unhinged) hang cute little loving “RESIST” signs from the front of their homes. The same people may have “Coexist” bumper stickers.

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