Trump quietly slashes number of refugees from Obama’s target despite court order – IOTW Report

Trump quietly slashes number of refugees from Obama’s target despite court order


Despite a court order halting most of his extreme vetting policy, President Trump’s administration has quietly been working toward his goal of a drastic cut in the number of refugees the U.S. will accept this fiscal year.

President Obama had set a target of up to 110,000 on his way out the door, but Mr. Trump tried to reset that number to 50,000. If the pace continues, the final tally is likely to be about 60,000 when the fiscal year ends in September — well below the level Mr. Obama wanted to lock in.

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13 Comments on Trump quietly slashes number of refugees from Obama’s target despite court order

  1. The Parable of the Mar a Lago Flagpole as told by Snopes:

    “…to some he’s the no-nonsense take-charge type who has the power and influence to thwart those who would insist on allowing the enforcement of petty rules or “political correctness” impede the progress of business and the course of “making America great again”; to others he’s a wealthy blowhard who thinks the rules don’t apply to him and habitually bullies others into submission to feed his lust for self-aggrandizement and self-enrichment.”

    “We also haven’t been able to verify whether Trump connived to maintain (or even exceed) the height of the original pole by installing a 10-foot-shorter pole on a 20-foot-high hill — pictures of the estate show the flagpole rising from a mound, but the height of the mound is difficult to estimate from photographs:”

    bottom line: “Slow and political” judges are getting rolled.

  2. From this day forward send all muslim immigrants to Hawaii and Maryland. Preferably as close to the residences of U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson and Judge Theodore Chuang. Unfortunately we can’t force both of these judges to house a least a dozen of the most hard case refugees in their own homes.

  3. “Trump quietly slashes number of refugees…”
    Nothing remains quiet if the Democrat Media Mafia believes there is a way to spin President Trump’s actions into Leftard emergency outrage.

  4. This article is very interesting because I’ve been seeing articles on many so-called “conservative” websites undermining Trump because the number of refugees admitted is higher than admitted under Obama. Of course the articles never explain where they’re coming from and how many were agreed to by Obama that Trump could not change like the Australia deal.

  5. It’s all about the money. Catholic Charities and Lutheran Services get paid for “processing” immigrants, housing investors receive government welfare money, factories get cheap unskilled labor, and banks get lots of new loan customers.

  6. 60 Minutes did a story on that Chobani guy last night. I wonder how much ‘subsidy’ he got for all the ‘refugees’ he brought to Idaho. CBS omitted that part in their glowing report.

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