Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation – IOTW Report

Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation


Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons.

The Iowa Republican’s effort is the first new official inquiry of Clinton since her unexpected loss in the 2016 presidential election to President Donald Trump. Trump’s supporters often chanted “lock her up” during his many boisterous campaign rallies.

But upon assuming the presidency, Trump and leaders of the Republican-majority Congress displayed little appetite for reopening investigations of Clinton’s tenure as the chief U.S. diplomat and multiple persistent allegations of “pay-to-play” corruption involving the Clinton Foundation. Until now.  MORE

14 Comments on Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation

  1. If the MSM was not so powerful, corrupt, and liberal, Bill’s felonies alone would have put the both of them into prison for the rest of their live. Hillary makes Bill look like a rookie. The MSM knows better than to report on her because they’re all afraid, justifiably so, of being discovered in Fort Marcy Park. Right Hillary?

  2. You have to prosecute. Otherwise the law means nothing to the swamp creatures, and the rest of us simply must do as we’re told.

    Bull Fuckin’ Shit!

  3. It would be so cool if this Muhammad Yunus interference turns out to be the ‘big one.’ The end of the line. Over. Finished. I know she has dodged a lot of bullets, but this Bangladesh thing seems to be gaining traction. This (I hope) could be the key to unmasking a lot of truth about operational procedures used by The First Lady of Truth and Veracity USA.

  4. Bill is a horn dog and he has only that on his mind. All the money chasing is Hillary and to take from the poorest on Earth shows who she is and how lucky we are. Please God, let me see her rot in jail.

  5. Yawn. Another congressional investigation. Fox guarding the hen house. No wonder they can’t pass legislation, they’re too busy holding mock trials.

    What happened to 3 coequal branches of govt? Congress has no authority to indict or prosecute criminal cases, besides the fact, any evidence of criminal activity is always cloaked under the umbrella of classified intelligence. Much like Comey’s upcoming testimony, not a thing will be clarified/resolved. Just another opportunity for Comey and the committee to publicly leave doubts in the minds of LoFo’s that Trump has colluded w the Russians.
    I’m sick of the time and money spent by these showboating wastrels.

  6. @Engelburka Engelburka

    I totally agree. I think that if you look up the meaning of “dead end”, you wil find ‘Any congressional investigation.’

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