“Just touch the person next to you” – IOTW Report

“Just touch the person next to you”

[Ga head. Touch ’em]


Patriot Retort: So, last night was Ariana Grande’s concert in Manchester to benefit the survivors of the terror attack two weeks ago.

Celebrities who move within a cocoon of body guards joined her to proclaim Love is the answer.

Yeah. The Beatles called. They want their idealistic 1960s worldview back.

If a van filled with jihadis is careening toward you, Love won’t stop you from getting mowed down in the street.

Love won’t stop a bomb from ripping your body to pieces.

This kind of naïve drivel is about as useful in the Real World as “If you believe in fairies, clap your hands.”

And among the idealistic nitwits who performed in this concert was none other than Katy “like coexist” Perry.

She made this irony-filled proclamation to the assembled sheep:

“So now as you stand here, all of you here, and all of you watching from wherever you are, standing next to a stranger, or a family member, or a friend, or a loved one, let’s just do this little exercise of love.”

Read the rest here

27 Comments on “Just touch the person next to you”

  1. Well said, Dianny.
    The target audience is Tweenie-aged girls whose bedrooms are still full of stuffed animals.
    But still. The Muslims must be laughing their asses off at this. Soft targets.

  2. These celebrities are like the social version of aids. They remove all logic and common sense that would normally act as an immune system for civilized society.

  3. A work in progress.
    mosque bells ring
    Are you listening
    It’s the insane
    blood is glistening
    A beautiful sight,
    We’re scared shitless tonight
    Walking in a moslem wonderland
    Gone away, is the blue bird
    Here to stay, is the new bird
    He sings of your death,
    As we make them our guests
    Walking in a moslem wonderland
    In the meadow we can build a snowman
    And pretend that he is imam Brown
    He’ll say are you married
    We’ll say no man
    But you can cut off her clit
    When you’re in town
    Later on they’ll conspire
    and set the town afire
    To face unafraid
    The plans that they’ve made
    Walking in a moslem wonderland
    mosque bells ringing
    Are you listening
    It’s the insane
    blood is glistening
    A beautiful sight,
    We’re scared shitless tonight
    Walking in a moslem wonderland
    When the bomb blows
    ain’t it thrilling
    all your friends, they are killing
    We’ll scream and we’ll shout and put hashtags all about
    Walking in a moslem wonderland
    Walking in a moslem wonderland.

  4. Hey, leave The Beatles out of this! After 911 Paul McCartney wrote “Freedom” with a surprisingly conservative message.
    The only way this stupid concert would have “made a difference” is if Katy Perry lead the crowd in a chant of “F@CK ISLAM! F@CK ISLAM!”

  5. I’m sick and tired of all this love, flowers, candles, co-exist bullshit. I am equally sick and tired of hearing just how professional the first responders were, and how we should not be alarmed, and how we should go on with our daily lives and show the world how strong and brave we are, from asswipe fucking politicians
    who don’t have the balls or inclination to do anything meaningful to protect the “deplorables,” or expendables in their charge.
    Twenty years ago Britain invoked the Special Powers Act against the Irish Republican Army who were bombing and terrorizing England.
    They arrested and detained suspects, sometimes on the flimsiest of evidence. They interrogated them, jailed them, beat the shit out of them, and got information from them. Sure there was a great hue and cry from the liberals. But it worked. If it worked against the Irish shitbags, there is no reason it wouldn’t work against jihadist shitbags.

  6. Love is all you need, love is the answer, love wins in the end, love conquers all; as long as you have a soldier, standing out in the cold and heat, in Godforsaken places, ready to sacrifice his or her life and do violence on your behalf to keep you safe in your happy bubble

  7. If you’ve put out candles or teddy bears or written sweet hashtags, YOU’RE part of the problem!

    Instead, sharpen a kitchen knife and keep it close and ready to use. Don’t be a sitting duck.

  8. @Anon ~ The Beatles tripped out on some freaky shit … remember the Marharishi stuff? … the ‘All You Need Is Love’ idealistic crap?
    Blue Meanies!!! … come to think of it, maybe they meant ‘Blue State Meanies’

    … & off topic … opposite actually … today is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Midway … “the most stunning and decisive blow in the history of naval warfare.” … God Bless the United States of America

  9. Where’s the love for the victims and their families?

    From this day forth, the ‘response time’ that Teresa May was so proud of, should be counted in how many casualties fall before police intervene.

  10. I find it amazingly troubling that these idiot entertainers get paid millions of dollars by millions of idiot fans to actually listen to the stupid shit that comes out of their mouths. If you are so damned stupid that you would believe any of this drivel, then you deserve to be killed in the most horrible way that the jihadis can think up. Common sense and a healthy sense of self preservation are apparently things that are rapidly going the way of the Dodo. When the shit really starts to hit the fan, these morons are going to be the first to die, I will not endanger my life or the lives of my loved ones to protect these fools, they will be on their own…

  11. And a hundred more likes to JMVs post. I wouldn’t waste one .45 cal. wad cutter to help a leftist enemy of America. To hell with all leftist, traitor, democrat pigs. You are much despised.

  12. there’s the morlocks, and then there’s the eloi….

    there’s them who can afford private personal protection, and then, there’s the rest of us….

    there’s the “hard targets” – meaning people who can pay for, or have US pay for, their own private personal security….and then there’s the “soft targets” – meaning the rest of us, who get to take our chances, because no one is going to provide us security no matter how much taxes we pay…..

    no American should put up with this kind of treatment….Period.

    but we do…..

  13. oolook……a nice 8-inch knitting needle fits fairly well into the seam of your jeans, from the knee down…..i’ve been wearing a knitting needle in my dominant-hand jeans seem for ages – it saved me from rape in the long ago times….

    it looks like a little button adornment on the side of your pants, but it’s easily reached and can be lethal when stuck into the proper part of your adversary…..

    and you don’t need a permit to buy it….. 🙂

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