What Would They Tell Us? – IOTW Report

What Would They Tell Us?

I wonder… If you were to take these men by the hand and walk them through London today,
would they feel utterly betrayed?   — More at  Diogenes’ Middle Finger

24 Comments on What Would They Tell Us?

  1. Mosques in flames.
    Imams hanging from lampposts.
    Muzzies screaming, sobbing and fleeing for their lives for the Chunnel.

    Within 72 hours Britain would be Muslim-free.

  2. But alas, those brave men in the photo are now dead. From the war, or old age and Time.
    Too many of them died too young to marry and pass on their genes to brave sons.
    Those who did, had sons raised in a society shaped by the weak, the soft, sheeplike Leftists and simpleminded women.

    Kill the men, kill the culture.

  3. I spent two years serving in England with USAFE in the mid-70’s making sure the Russian hoards didn’t invade Europe. What a waste of time. The English are toast and there is nothing that can be done at this point. They have been completely pussified and now worship at the altar of their socialist masters. Screw ’em!

  4. One of my customers was an older gentleman named John who was a florist in Moscow, Id. He told me once about his harrowing experiences in World War 2 when as a young man when he came ashore in Normandy on D-Day, he survived D-Day and rest of the war but he hated war with a passion after what he saw during that time. He was a good man who I enjoyed talking to and has since passed away about 10 years ago. I don’t think after Vietnam we have the guts or strength to fight like our fathers fought back then and I hope and pray (I hope I’m wrong) that maybe just maybe we still have enough real men to fight another war if we have to and I believe we will have to in order to exterminate radical pisslam from the face of the Earth.

  5. They quit teaching real history in schools both High school and college in the mid 70’s. I should’ve been a history major in college instead of majoring in Social Work and sociology. I loved history back than and still do now. Kid’s, you don’t know what you’re missing since they no longer teach history properly as the story of all the good and the bad about mankind. FDR in Hell, say hi to Howard Zinn and tell he’s full of shit, thank you.

  6. In this day the problem is that when we fight a war we have to fight fairly. At what point did this become a reality and used against us? When the press, media and the schools are against us, how can we win?
    Fighting fairly gets a lot of our people killed.

  7. Churchill had to contend with the anti-democratic, anti-classical liberalism, pro-fascist, Stalin-sucking, disarmament appeasement monkeys in the Chamberlains, Astors, Lindberghs, Labour Party, even fellow Tories until….Until 1939 when appeasement allowed Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia to annex the the Sudetenland, but Hitler kept going and took all of Czechoslovakia, then Poland etc. As a WWI veteran, a Gallipoli fiasco architect and NOT AN IDIOT, Winnie learned from his experiences and mistakes.

    Parliament was forced to recognize he had been right all along about Germany’s rearmament and ulterior motives. The Nazis declared war on Britain soon afterward.

    His own people almost forced him into retirement and penniless before he saved them from themselves.

    That is the English. That is Us. That is human nature.

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