Bill Cosby Trial Update – IOTW Report

Bill Cosby Trial Update


NBC’s News Correspondent, Bill Zimpfer, joins the “John and Ken” show to talk about the latest on the Bill Cosby Trial. Cosby arrived at a Pennsylvania courthouse Monday morning with support from actress Keshia Knight Pulliam, who played his youngest television daughter, Rudy Huxtable, on “The Cosby Show.”


Cosby was charged with drugging and assaulting former Temple University employee Andrea Constand in 2004.


16 Comments on Bill Cosby Trial Update

  1. I wonder how long the rumours were floating around about Cosby’s alleged actions but nothing was done. What was the event or action that caused this to finally get to court. This is going to be mighty interesting.

  2. I don’t know if the allegations are true or not. All I know is that a guy like Cosby has very deep pockets and is thus an easy target. Plus, females who make allegations are automatically given the benefit of the doubt. Duke lacrosse team, UVA Fraternity and rolling stone are classic examples.

  3. I’ve no idea if any of this is true. Yes he has deep pockets, and his squeaky-clean Good Dad image makes his career especially vulnerable to this kind of smears. Even with zero evidence, as these claims all seem to be just that, claims.
    I do know if he dies tomorrow, he will be remembered for these rape allegations as much or more than his attempts at providing a positive TV role model.
    And if this rich famous funny good looking guy really did feel the need to drug girls, when any number of hot willing chicks were his for the asking, well, paging Doctor Freud.

  4. A stellar, multi-decade career ruined by allegations of rape dating back over 40 years — allegations that, oddly, only became public after Cosby repeatedly criticized the black community for putting higher priorities on sports, fashion, and “acting hard” than on education, self-respect, and self-improvement.

    Is Cosby being made into an example for blacks who may be thinking about defying the liberal narrative?

  5. @scr_north: As for the event or action that caused this, there are those who say Cosby strayed too far from the Hollywood Liberal Plantation, and is being made into an object lesson for others who might be similarly inclined.

    But…who knows what the truth really is?

    Maybe we could ask The Shadow. I hear he knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.


  6. The media NEVER mentions that the almost all the 50 women who accuse Cosby of drugging and raping them are WHITE. The only acknowledgment came in a photo line up of his accusers.

    If this were a white man raping and drugging a dozens of black women it would be headline 24/7/365

  7. I heard some transcripts of the accuser on the radio and man did his lawyers make her sound un-credible. Ridiculous made up accusations really. It sounds like BS but you can’t know

  8. Bill Cosby,why doesn’t he take the stand.If you ask me,he’s ashamed of what he had done.He admitted that he gave these ladies drugs.Right there,you have the answer.Why can’t anyone see that.He’s as guilty as they come.let’s say he get’ off on this charge.Well one day,he will meet the lord.And you know what that means.

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