Rush Limbaugh: She’s [Hillary] having a breakdown right before our eyes. – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh: She’s [Hillary] having a breakdown right before our eyes.

Photo by John Berry

[…] She ate the excrement sandwich that being married to that guy was, from the time he was governor of Arkansas, all the affairs, all the women, all the allegations, and she was the loyal trooper, blaming the right-wing conspiracy, destroying the women accusers, maintaining his administration and the Democrat Party. And if anybody has ever been owed, it’s Hillary Clinton. And 2008 was supposed to be the big payoff, and they threw her under the bus for a young untested, unproven African-American guy with an exotic name.

Read the entire thing @ Daily Rushbo

24 Comments on Rush Limbaugh: She’s [Hillary] having a breakdown right before our eyes.

  1. If losing the elections to obama and Trump are her only punishment for the dastardly deeds she has done, she’s damn lucky sitting free with a $Billion dollars.

    In the real world that you and I live Hillary should be indicted, prosecuted and jailed (That’s exactly where we would be if we had committed the crimes she has).

  2. If she’s lucky, she’ll have a stroke and keel over after a few minutes of disconnected babbling and bizarre behavior.

    If we’re lucky, it’ll be recorded on 137 smartphones as well as televised.

  3. The sickest thing about Hildabeast is the fact that she is 100% confident that her shit doesn’t stink. Even though she was rejected twice, she still believes she is perfect.

  4. Uncle Al you just made me blow coffee on my monitor and keyboard already this morning! If they put it on pay-per-view they could make a sizable dent in the national debt. I know I would pay to watch it several times. In a row.

  5. I wonder if Dementia is one of her ailments. Sure, it’s fun to watch her say stupid things. But will we get to see her turn into a raving lunatic? We can hope.

  6. Cold and calculating. That has been Hillary’s image and personality for decades now. Had her opponent in 2016 been a typical Republican candidate, Hillary may have won because cold and calculating Democrat establishment type would be running against a cold and calculating Republican establishment type.

    I think that only Donald Trump could have beat her. Trump knew what he was doing, but cold and calculating was not his public image. Trump’s rallies, his tweets, his debate performances, and his inumerable public appearances were unpredictable with frequently outrageous (yet true) statements, and were the polar opposite of cold and calculating.

  7. I hope she dies a slow and horrid death. And I hope it is video taped so I can watch it over and over. She is beyond being a monster. She deserves no mercy.

  8. Uncle Al – “If she’s lucky, she’ll have a stroke and keel over after a few minutes of disconnected babbling and bizarre behavior.” She’ll still win (steal) the Dem nomination in 2020.

  9. When I think about Hillary claiming that her erased e-mails were about “yoga” etc it planted a picture in my mind that is horrifying. Picture that gelatinous tub of sh#t doing yoga, breaking wind with every move. yeeeuk!

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