Top Dems Not In A Hurry To Impeach – IOTW Report

Top Dems Not In A Hurry To Impeach

Have they told Maxine yet?

The Hill:

House Democratic leaders are rebuffing the growing push from their liberal members to move toward impeaching President Trump, warning that the nascent effort is premature and might undermine ongoing investigations into Trump’s ties to Russia.

“We have to find out what the facts are,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting one of the multiple probes into Russia’s election meddling and possible ties to the Trump campaign.

“The hearings this week are going to be very important to understand what role the president played in the effort to derail any part of the Russia investigation, as has been alleged,” he added, referring to a pair of Senate Intelligence Committee hearings happening this week. “But I don’t want to leap to any conclusions about what we’ll ultimately find or what the consequences should be.

“We’re still very early in the investigative process.”

Rep. Linda Sánchez (Calif.), vice chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said Schiff’s view reflects the “overwhelming sentiment” among the Democrats.

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17 Comments on Top Dems Not In A Hurry To Impeach

  1. “We’re still very early in the investigative process.”

    And then one day you look and find,
    Ten years have gone behind,
    Trump”s two terms have come and gone,
    Pence is boarding Air Force One.

  2. Yeah, they worked hard to make up and maintain the fiction of Russian collusion so don’t mess that up with an insane request for impeachment! Besides they still haven’t wrong out all the propaganda value from Comey’s “Memo’s to the file”!

  3. Nothing there people.

    Meanwhile, the Hildabeast is walking around free with hundreds of counts for her mishandling of secret documents. When she is breaking rocks in Levenworth get back to meabout Trump. F U vile Democrats.

  4. The Demcomprogs have no bench, no game and no prospects. All they have is obstruction and street violence. Thank God they are currently minority status.

    Bring back HUAC. Expose and deport. ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK!

  5. They know it’s all political lies and if it went to impeachment the public would soon see that and that’s the primary reason they want to slow things down. The BS about making sure their investigation is thorough and complete is just to drag this out as long as they can, hinder Trump as long as they can then they will try to let the whole issue die out without the MSM asking questions along the way. No wonder people hate them.

  6. It is too early. Impeachment will be the theme for 2018 elections. They want to goad Trump into lashing out or broadcasting “angry” tweets about Comey. Right now the Dems are advancing the ball but the GOP have not even lined up their defense.

  7. I’ve always found it interesting how the Left sends out the libs who are most secure in their
    districts and who are guaranteed re-election to fling the political poo. But, for example, in
    the case of Maxine, her own base is questioning her performance and beginning to challenge
    her outright. Soooooo…..when their front line squawkers go down, who will they shove in
    front of the cameras then??

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