Gloria Allred sued for Fraud, Malpractice – IOTW Report

Gloria Allred sued for Fraud, Malpractice


A former client of Gloria Allred has filed a lawsuit against the celebrity attorney for legal malpractice and fraud, claiming she negligently represented him during a case. Kyle Hunter, a local television weatherman, hired Allred to go after CBS for allegedly discriminating against him in favor of younger, attractive female meteorologists. His lawsuit filed on Tuesday contends Allred botched his legal case, and didn’t properly notify him that she was working with CBS to produce a legal drama inspired by her life — an obvious conflict of interest, he claims.  read more

11 Comments on Gloria Allred sued for Fraud, Malpractice

  1. This woman is a skank, no better than Madonna, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, etc. Only difference is she went to law school. There are good lawyers, good doctors, good teachers, etc. She’s an attention whore.

  2. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving monster.

    Allred is everything that is wrong with law schools, the court system, and lawyers as a whole.

    Our medical system eventually exposes and gets rid of bad doctors in disgrace.
    Our legal system makes bad lawyers rich, and famous.

  3. Holy cow! Gloria Allred is a typical lawyer, just like like most of the members of the most insidiously evil but extremely successful organized crime racket in the history of the human race– the American Bar Association? Who’da thunk it?

    It’s quite a protection racket they’re running there. Every person/business/entity in America must pay, either directly or indirectly, members of the American Bar Association to protect ourselves from members of the American Bar Association.

    Why is this the legal? Oh that’s right, most of our government is made up of members of the American Bar Association.

  4. As others have mentioned, but to be more specific: What man would hire Allred to represent him in a claim that he was discriminating against to the benefit of women? That would have been like Bakke hiring an attorney from the NAACP to represent him in the case against the University of California quota system.

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