Zbigniew Brzezinski’s REAL Legacy: Creating The Taliban & al Qaeda, Promoting Antisemitism – IOTW Report

Zbigniew Brzezinski’s REAL Legacy: Creating The Taliban & al Qaeda, Promoting Antisemitism

The Lid:

Zbigniew Brzezinski passed away two weeks ago. Unlike the obituaries published after his death, It is time to the truth about the anti-Semitic Brzezinski whose mistakes brought us the war on terror and possibly more.

The obituaries published about his career were demonstrably false. As national security advisor for Jimmy Carter,  Zbigniew Brzezinski was a failure whose policies brought us the War on Terror by luring the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan and creating both the Taliban and al Qaeda. He was also a bigot who traded in anti-Semitic stereotypes, and who hated Israel.

During Brzezinski’s tenure, Jimmy Carter forced the Shah of Iran to abdicate which led to the radical Iran we have today, Carter also forced out the democratically elected Bishop Muzorewa in Zimbabwe leading to the almost 40-year despotic reign of Robert Mugabe. Although as National Security Advisor he was most assuredly involved in the policy decisions,  Zbigniew Brzezinski explicit fingerprints could only be found on his failed plan to hurt the Soviet Union, which led to the war on terror.

Tons more , here

15 Comments on Zbigniew Brzezinski’s REAL Legacy: Creating The Taliban & al Qaeda, Promoting Antisemitism

  1. PS, I was a young man during the peanut farmers reign. But I remember my WWII vet father screaming at the Teli asking why we have a communist in the Carter Admin.

  2. Carter can die happy now that Barky was deemed worse than
    him as a loozer prezzie. It will be years before we realize
    all of the damage from the eight years of that piece of shit.

  3. reboot
    They both deserve their special place in hell. Remember the hostage rescue with the crashed helicopters. A sad day for a demasculated war machine. The same hostages were released immediately after Ronnie was elected. In my view Obama and Carter are both the same devil.

  4. Agreed Brad.
    You know if your DD-214 has dates during
    the Reagan years on it, you can get a certificate
    of appreciation from his library?
    I’ve not reached out for any. I was 84-2007.

  5. Trying to prove which one, Carter or Obama, was the worst President in our history is an almost impossible task! One was a colossal failure while one was a magnificent failure. On a scale of 1-10, they both rated a -100! One had Zbig in his administration while the other had Sir Hillary Clinton! And, both are still alive today and still talking which makes them even worse.

  6. I was only 24 when Carter took office, and somewhat liberal at the time (although I didn’t vote for him), but even I knew that de-throning the Shaw was a huge mistake. How many have died as a result?

  7. Tony R, I cannot tell a lie, much to my shame my first vote in an election was for carter. Remember there was no internet to find out the truth. I’d read in the papers he was a good gov who was conservative and cut some gov’t programs. He also claimed to be a Christian. Then he goes and creates the Dept of Energy and Dept of ED. Price controls, out of control inflation, Panama Canal Treaty, the Iran debacle, an endless list of failure.

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