White SJW, Cindy Jaquith, Demands Police Not Have Black Police Cars, Because It Intimidates Black People – IOTW Report

White SJW, Cindy Jaquith, Demands Police Not Have Black Police Cars, Because It Intimidates Black People

Blue Lives Matter:

Cindy Jaquith Stands Up For Imaginary Issues About Black People.

Bolton, MA – Social Justice Warrior Cindy Jaquith showed up at a Board of Selectmen (city council) meeting in the city of Bolton on May 25 to protest the color of the police cars being black, because she says it’s intimidating to black people.

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SNIP: They have got to start drug testing people before they get to the mic.

26 Comments on White SJW, Cindy Jaquith, Demands Police Not Have Black Police Cars, Because It Intimidates Black People

  1. … & if they drove white police cars she would blubber on about ‘white privilege’ …. nothing more than a attention whore

    these idiots either need to be put away or, at least, ignored

  2. I’m all for APC’s disguised as ice cream trucks. or how about a stealth fighter jet with missiles. Or even better one of these fine rides, AC-130 Spectre/Spooky/Stinger II/Ghostrider.

  3. So it’s the cars that intimidate,problem solved. That’s not specious logic at all. No matter how much her student loans end up costing me, it’s well worth it ’cause she’s smartified.

  4. You know the ACT for America protests against Camel Fxcker there having tomorrow. Well they’re having one here close to me. Now some Lefty/Mooslem loving group is having a counter protest across the street. I just heard some jack ass reporter on KFBJ, the very radio station Rush got his start on, proclaim the following. “The Alt Right group ACT for America having known ties to the KKK and white supremacist groups” yada yada. I freaken believable.

    Brigitte Gabriel does not look like she would be welcomed by either group.

    I’m calling them on Monday.

  5. Apparently, Bolton MA has not felt the full effects of diversity through the black demographic’s culture of dysfunction – leaving guilty-Whites to believe they must fight along side the dysfunction – becoming dysfunctional idiots themselves.

  6. It’s like an Ibsen play. Nothing but drama, a conflicted man hating white self loathing feminist, obviously her underlying Victorian morality sees the police car as a penile extension of the long (heh) arm of the law.

    The ting is, I gotta cure for this poor neurotic creature, this Vintage Earl Schieb commercial is just what the doctor ordered, watch, 1977:

  7. Somehow I think she would have a problem if laws were enforced through the use of armed police drones out of sight in the sky, to prevent black people feeling intimidation. ISIS still seem intimidated by the drones in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria regardless of their color, so it actually might be something other than the color of a vehicle that is feared. Is it the fear of “Justice?”

  8. What she forgot to request:

    Pink squads with pussy ears on top and pink/pale magenta warning lights.

    Of course, that would clash with every police uniform in the nation, so….

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