Romanian President: We’re Increasing Our NATO Contribution Because of Trump – IOTW Report

Romanian President: We’re Increasing Our NATO Contribution Because of Trump

( – Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said Friday that his country is increasing its contribution to NATO after hearing President Donald Trump’s speech last month at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

During a joint press conference at the White House, Trump praised Iohannis for committing to increase Romania’s defense spending to NATO from 1.4 percent to two percent, as Trump called for during his speech in Brussels on May 25. Trump said other nations are also starting to “realize that it’s time to pay up.”  read more

7 Comments on Romanian President: We’re Increasing Our NATO Contribution Because of Trump

  1. I find it amazing the former USSR block states
    get it, and the rest of Eurabia keeps stumbling through
    their new world order, destruction, and invasion.
    Phuck them.

  2. soon eurabia will see the light, but only when more barbarians have started setting more of their shit on fire. then they’ll call to us once again to save them and come and be the world police. i say, no. time to grow up and kick their asses on your own, but if you need some guns, well then we can sell you a whole shit load of them. that we can do, cuz, we likes guns! fuck yah!

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