Ocean City, Md. passes emergency ordinance prohibiting public nudity – IOTW Report

Ocean City, Md. passes emergency ordinance prohibiting public nudity


Lawmakers in Ocean City, Maryland, unanimously passed an emergency ordinance Saturday prohibiting public nudity in the beach resort town after a law enforcement memo last week directing beach patrol officers not to cite topless women went viral.

The ordinance states “there is no constitutional right for an individual to appear in public nude or in a state of nudity,” Ocean City announced on its official website. “Whatever personal right one has to be nude or in a state of nudity, that right becomes subject to government interest and regulation when one seeks to exercise it in public.”

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12 Comments on Ocean City, Md. passes emergency ordinance prohibiting public nudity

  1. Is this really about suburban moms occasionally wanting to drop the top, or is it about hordes of skainchy, twerking Permanent Black Spring Breakers? Beating around the bush again.

  2. Just common sense. I think it was Jay Sekulow, who I recently heard say that in all his years prosecuting cases, he never once had to convince the jury that murder, theft or lying was wrong. He went on to say that moral relativism is changing that. We cannot let the Left reset our society’s moral code. Once it’s gone, it will be extremely difficult to get back — if we can get it back at all. And it always starts with some innocuous, piffling thing, doesn’t it?

    (And our parents’ thought the bikini was scandalous.)

  3. It wouldn’t be a problem, except the only people I have ever personally seen nude or topless at a public beach are people nobody wants to see nude or topless. Why is that?

  4. Abigail is right. Things need to be nipped in the bud. Just think if the gay movement, the anti-gun movement, the hollywood left movement, the illegal immigrant movement, the antifa crowd had all been stopped before they got out of hand. (We still have time to stop the sharia movement but barely.)
    Hey I LOVE boobs as much as the next guy but I don’t want to see them when I’m walking my grandkids on the beach. There are people who want no limits whatsoever which will lead to all kinds of perversion.
    Remember when gays just wanted “equal rights”?

  5. When I was a waitress on Martha’s Vineyard I’ll never forget going to the nude beach and seeing the young boys who sneaked away from their parents down the beach drop face first in the sand when they happened upon a cadre of nice looking girls sunning themselves.

  6. The good looking nude people are on TV. Because they are paid. Good looking nudes aren’t paid to be in public showing their junk. That’s why there are no good looking nudes showing their junk on the public beach. lol

  7. Nudity is not a big deal to me, but lewd behavior is a problem. The trouble is if nudity is allowed lewd behavior is sure to follow. I can’t believe what kids are exposed to nowadays.

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