Prosecutor charges 12 Dem staffers in Indiana with voter fraud – IOTW Report

Prosecutor charges 12 Dem staffers in Indiana with voter fraud

American Thinker:

Last summer, we reported on the massive investigation by Indiana authorities into potential Democratic party voter fraud. The investigation spanned 56 counties and dozens of volunteers and staffers who worked for a Democratic-linked voter registration group.

Prosecutors have now charged 12 of those employees with sending in fake voter registration forms.

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11 Comments on Prosecutor charges 12 Dem staffers in Indiana with voter fraud

  1. I can only hope that the 12 do jail time in a state prison and their names are splashed about everywhere. I think the only ones arrested so far have been Democrats or Democrat linked people. I’ll bet there are a lot more around and maybe the Feds ought to look at Michigan, specifically Detroit next. Hell, let people arrested for simple possesion of weed out of the slam to make room for these people because they are far more of the threat to your country then some potheads.

  2. “Voter Fraud” is a rather anemic euphemism for “Treason.”
    This particular form of Treason undermines the very foundations of the Republic – probably doing more harm than selling our enemies the e-mails of some political hacks.
    Who paid them to execute this fraud?
    Who paid them to formulate this fraud (or was it formulated for them?)?
    How many fraudulent voters will be punished (not warned – PUNISHED)?

    Or will we hear the typical useless pablum bullshit: “We want to make sure it never happens, again.” which really means: “We want to make sure it’s never exposed, again.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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