Science fights back against the global warming fraud – IOTW Report

Science fights back against the global warming fraud

American Thinker: It has taken far too long, but the self-correcting mechanisms of science finally are contradicting the global warming fraud. Despite billions of dollars of grants for those who support the so-called “consensus” (itself, a lie), and the fear of retaliation, scholars interested in the truth are publishing a wave of scientific papers contradicting the orthodoxy.

Best of all: President Trump’s EPA chief has signaled that he sees that questioning of scientific hypotheses (and all scientific knowledge ultimately is a hypothesis, awaiting a possible correction based on new information) is legitimate.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt reignited a long simmering debate over a method of scientific inquiry that could upset the supposed “consensus” on man-made global warming.

In an interview with Breitbart’s Joel Pollak on Monday, Pruitt said he supported a “red team-blue team” set up to test climate science. Pruitt was inspired by an op-ed by theoretical physicist Steven Koonin, but others have been pushing this idea as well.

The team that will question the orthodoxy is seeing a wave of evidence come its way.  more here

7 Comments on Science fights back against the global warming fraud

  1. Look at the last 20,000 or 100’000 years and you’ll see the last 10,000 are unusually stable.
    Some geologists think if we keep warming for the next 200 years we will exit our current ice age.

  2. There has been a snowball Earth.
    It stands to reason that there has also been a ‘No Ice Cap’ earth.
    When the last Ice age ended, all the peoples living on the continental shelves around the earth had to go inland and escape the encroaching oceans.
    If the globe gets warmer, the enormous northern forests of Canada and Europe and Russia will see a great opening up, and immigration will explode to get away from the brown people along the equator, and to exploit the natural resources unavailable currently due to the cold.
    If the globe goes back into an Ice Age great swaths of the continental shelf will be up for exploration and research and we will exploit the abundant resources there.
    I’d call it a win-win either way.
    So if I get my druthers, I vote warm.
    Here is the Lazlo Plan:
    Take 100 million dollars and divide it in two.
    Take half and fund studies on man’s CO2 impact on global warming.
    Take the other half and fund studies on how the environment is not affected by man produced CO2
    You will have two sets of studies that completely contradict each other

  3. Doubting Tom:
    1900: A May thunderstorm dumps rain-and fish- on Olneyville, Rhode Island.
    1912: RMS Titanic hits an iceberg and sinks. The New York Times: “Ice age is encroaching.” L.A. Times: “The human race will have to fight for its existence against cold.”
    1923: The WAPO: “The ice age is coming here.” Chicago Tribune: “Scientist says artic ice will wipe out Canada and parts of Europe and Asia, and Switzerland would be entirely obliterated.”
    1933: The New York Times: “America is in the longest warm spell since 1776, with temperatures in a 25-year rise.”
    1952: The New York Times: “Melting glaciers are the trump card of global warming.” Moving right along folks>
    1978: The New England Blizzard drops 30 to 36 inches of snow, paralyzing the region for a week.
    1979: Winooski, Vermont: “Plan for study of Dome over Town is approved.” (To protect the city from cold).
    1980: Brutal summer heat wave hits much of the U.S. (See 1979: Winooski residents no realize that they would have fried to death.
    2008: Freezing rain on December 11-12 produces 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches of ice from Maine to Pennsylvania.
    2016: NOAA declares 2015 the hottest year in 136 years of record keeping.
    Compiled by Jack Burnett, Managing Editor “The Old Farmers Almanac.”
    2017 Edition.

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