Maxine Waters flees citizen journalist asking about HER financial ties to Russia – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters flees citizen journalist asking about HER financial ties to Russia

American Mirror: Even a citizen journalist holding a microphone taped to a wooden spoon was too scary for Maxine Waters because the single question he asked exposed her hypocrisy.

Fleccas, who regularly interviews leftists during protests in the Los Angeles area, caught up with Waters recently and brought up the subject of Russia.

But he turned the tables and asked her about her retirement investments in the country. more

6 Comments on Maxine Waters flees citizen journalist asking about HER financial ties to Russia

  1. you will never see chris wallace, anderson cooper or any other news actor ask any question close to this one.

    only citizens will make this country great again. if it could be done with legislation by an elected congress it would have happened already.

  2. I Don’t know about her ties to Russia, but then I Don’t know about Trumps & neither Does she. Why is he the one on Trial, with what’s coming out it should be the Dem’s. ( Media )

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