Swamp Creatures – IOTW Report

Swamp Creatures

Diogenes’ Middle Finger-

Draining the Swamp is Gonna Expose Some Real Ugly Creatures Stuck in the Mud.

“While the mainstream media was expecting Comey’s testimony to set the basis for a possible impeachment against President Trump, his revelations opened a Pandora’s box for the former Attorney General instead. Arguably, the most interesting part of the testimony of James Comey, the cowardly lion of the criminal justice system, before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday is not that President Trump was cleared of even a scintilla of corruption and obstruction of justice but that President Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, is up to her eyeballs in both.” more

18 Comments on Swamp Creatures

  1. As Trump and Sessions systematically shut down the Obama created slush funds to their various street thug organizations, the means to create a false groundswell of support for Trump’s impeachment will fall apart, since much of the loyalty the DNC has was bought by tax dollars that are about to dry up. Although, I’d highly recommend Trump take a good look into what happened with all those massive ammo purchase done by various non-LEO executive organizations during Obama’s tenure. I’m guessing a lot of that went overseas or over the Southern border to people who shouldn’t be getting ammo from the US taxpayer, but I fear some may have found their way to militant left wing groups too.

    The frantic desperation to get Trump pushed out this year is because a lot of those left wing NGOs that got fat during the Obama era are about to run out of capital, which means they’ve got no way to pay their lunatic street thugs anymore, and many of them have no interest in working for free; never did, even if they do think they’re socialists.

  2. I gotta tell you all DMF comes up with some mind bending shit. If you’re not following her you should. Absolutely no take away from this place. I love them both. Except for Tommy. I got my eye on the Irish dude.

  3. Loco,
    It would scare the shit out of us both to see a full length picture of this mutant. Ever seen one? Me neither. Or her hands. I think they’re mutant crab claws.

  4. Loco,
    Let’s not leave Comey out of this. He’s at least 50 something at 6ft 8. His hips are wider than his shoulders. Always have been. In high school he was the same heigth, but he weighed 140 pounds. The girls La Cross team use to beat his ass daily. The wrestling and football team use to make him wash their jock straps. In the summer time in his junior year he earned summer money by sliding down rain gutters unplugging them. The big problem here is Mueller has a similar back ground. The fix is in. These individuals are not exactly John Wayne.

  5. We need to get beyond reprimands, slaps on the wrists, and sternly-worded letters with these criminals. These reptiles do things like perjure themselves under oath and compromise and knowingly share top secret information. As my grad school advisor always said back in the day “Buck the big crimes go unpunished.” Trump needs to put some of these people behind bars and he also needs to ferret out the thousands of little schittbird reality losers. I would fire every person over @ State except the cleaning staff for starters but that is just me.

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