ICYMI: Muslim migrant rapists of 5-year-old Idaho girl get no jail time – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Muslim migrant rapists of 5-year-old Idaho girl get no jail time

Pamela Geller:

JUDGE issues gag order on ‘sentencing’

Janice Kroeger, the senior deputy prosecuting attorney, who was supposed to be trying these boys for their crimes, defended the boys and repeatedly attacked Lacy, the victim’s mother. A therapist for the boys was present, as well as a parole officer and a detective. Everything that was said was designed to portray the perpetrators as victims. Throughout the proceedings, they were repeatedly called victims, and the youngest one was called “the biggest victim of them all.”

more here

h/t Bruce

30 Comments on ICYMI: Muslim migrant rapists of 5-year-old Idaho girl get no jail time

  1. They are not victims (The perps), they are manipulators using the broken justice system (and libtard judges) for their own purposes. I bet they received some funding from cair.

  2. Judge Borreson, Grant Loebs and Janice Kroeger should all be horse whipped to an inch of their lives.
    I thought Idaho was one of the few states where justice was still blind and each person would be treated equally and fairly.
    Obviously Idaho is as tainted as everywhere else.

  3. Those sentenced were/are juveniles. Their names and details of testimony, etc., are legitimately subject to a gag order. But after the trial is over, as I understand it, everybody is barred from mentioning their names but those details become public. The judge is violating the First Amendment bigly league.

  4. Post their pictures and turn them out on the streets. They will be victims of some terrible “accident” soon. Judges are destroying our country.

  5. When I first read about this incident I knew it wasn’t going to go anywhere. This is how it started in Sweden, Germany, France and Belgium and no, self respecting men stood up for any of the victims in those countries. God help us all.

  6. Ben Cartwright: Look, I know you are all upset about what happened, but we have a legal system to–

    Hothead Mob: The let them fellers go free, Ben!

    Ben Cartwright: Alright, then. Necktie party it is.

  7. Speaking as a father of a special needs daughter; if I were approached to join a group of anonymous concerned citizens to torture and murder the judge and execute the boys who raped the 5 year old and their father who gave them a high five I’d ask when is the first planing meeting.

    If I was that father I would be setting about to form an organization of concerned anonymous citizens to ….

    I’m enraged by this story. I was from the first report and each time it makes the news it gets worse. From the City council trying to brush it under the rug this this finally- ZERO time served and the parents of the victim have a gag order from the judge. I’ll end with the judge would be found with a gag in his mouth and a signed painted on his chest that reads “free men have free tongues”.

  8. El Dorado County Sheriffs Department in Northern Ca would be leading the charge. That’s what I’m not getting. Did they load the local Sheriffs department with out of town liberals. Where’s their balls.

  9. The Austin commies ditched the commie flag masks for all black balackavas and AK variants, one AR standing across the street in the shadows. The smelly retards had axe handles, dowels, shields and distractors. All they wanted was to kill the sharia protestors.

    Bit for well disciplined DPS riot troopers, probably some snipers dialed into the Antifada fireteam and a few oathkeepers on full battle rattle, it would have been a bloodbath.

    We are one AD, one discharge away from it.

  10. @Vermin Control June 12, 2017 at 7:57 pm &
    @RottyLover June 12, 2017 at 8:14 pm &
    @LocoBlancoSaltine June 12, 2017 at 9:46 pm &
    the rest

    “Your” rulers import foreigners to do the raping of toddlers that you won’t do. And “your” rulers awake among you.

    The invaders do the raping of toddlers that you won’t do. And “your” rulers awake among you.

    “Your” rulers publicly thank their invaders for doing the raping of toddlers that you won’t do. And “your” rulers awake among you.

    I’m not your ruler, so I can’t tell you what to say. But we, especially “your” rulers, know what you want. You want invaders to do the raping of toddlers that you won’t do. That’s why “your” rulers awake among you.

  11. The parents of the girl should be throwing bacon at the imports on a daily basis. And smear them with the grease. That should condemn them eternally according to their own belief system.

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