Megyn Kelly Faces Boycott over Alex Jones Interview – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Faces Boycott over Alex Jones Interview

Breitbart: Megyn Kelly has come under fire for a planned Father’s Day interview with InfoWars founder Alex Jones on her new Sunday night NBC News program, with social media users calling for a boycott of the program’s advertisers and urging others to tune out the show when it airs later this month.

Kelly shared a preview clip of the interview with Jones on her Twitter account Sunday.

In the clip, Jones defends against being called “the most paranoid man in the world,” calls the September 11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. an “inside job,” and attempts to deflect criticism for his assertion that the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax.

In response to the preview, several Twitter users identifying themselves as family members of the 27 victims of the horrific attack tweeted directly to the Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly host to express their outrage that the anchor and NBC would give Jones a platform to discuss his views.

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11 Comments on Megyn Kelly Faces Boycott over Alex Jones Interview

  1. Well to be honest I would rather see Jones up there than any RINO or Democrap to spew talking points or pushing the anti-Trump narrative. Jones is surely one crazy dude and a lot of his thoughts are way out there, but occasionally he does step on the toes of the establishment / globalists. I have no problem with that.

  2. MeAgain Kelly is headed for a career that Jerry Springer will envy. She is going to need more than Alex Jones to boost her ratings out of the dumpster. I can almost guarantee that there is an O. j. in her near future.

  3. I”d believe Jones before McConn’l, mcRino, and Chelsea’s graham.

    As for megyn? Another liberal left scrunt trying to blow somebody for ratings. Bitch got greedy on Faux, toooo bad!☄️

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