Freedom Caucus Pushes To Cancel August Recess – IOTW Report

Freedom Caucus Pushes To Cancel August Recess

Washington, DC – Kendall Forward, OAN Political Correspondent

Congress’ August recess is quickly approaching and there’s still a lot on members’ plates. The Freedom Caucus is pushing for members to stay and work in Washington, instead of going home to their constituents.

Chairman Mark Meadows says, “I think the American people are tired of us not delivering on our promises. We need to stay until we get it done.”

The group of G.O.P. power players is calling on leadership to cancel the summer recess and continue working on legislative priorities like healthcare, tax reform, appropriations, and infrastructure.

The request puts pressure on Republicans to get things done and pass the President’s agenda.

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4 Comments on Freedom Caucus Pushes To Cancel August Recess

  1. Congress has 133 to 140 days of work per year for $174,000 per year (not counting the perks healthcare, gym, free haircuts, pay for committee assignments, stipend for office and staff expenses), access to campaign funds and free government travel (foreign junkets).

    The average US worker works 240 days per year making $44,138.

    Why wouldn’t they put the nation first for once.

  2. The Freedom Caucus has the votes to take care of Mr. Ryan, organgrinder, if they choose to do so. There are enough alleged Freedom Caucus members to remove him from the Speakership if they wish. Of course, smart money says most of those members are actually about as much about Freedom as Nancy Pelosi is about Catholicism…

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