Sears To Cut 400 Jobs To Make Up For Annual Costs, Sales Decline – IOTW Report

Sears To Cut 400 Jobs To Make Up For Annual Costs, Sales Decline

OAN Newsroom

Another round of job cuts for Sears as the retailer prepares to get rid of 400 employees.

It’s all part of a plan to slash more than one billion dollars in annual costs.

Sears officials say the layoffs will happen in corporate offices, and global support centers.

However, it’s not clear when this will go into effect.

This comes just one week after the company announced it will close dozens of stores.

In the past few years, Sears has closed hundreds of stores amid a sharp decline in sales.

12 Comments on Sears To Cut 400 Jobs To Make Up For Annual Costs, Sales Decline

  1. Haven’t shopped at Sears in decades although we used to walk thru at Christmas time just to look. I think my mom bought me a shirt and tie there once -but she’s gone so no one shops there now.

    Same for kray-mart and there 10 % off for mulatto kids day.

  2. Last time I went to a Sears was about thirty years ago when they were advertising a sale on men’s wear. I went in to check it out and they had one display of a few pants and shirts – I mean about 10pieces of clothing altogether! I asked where the rest of it was and the answer was “that’s it”. Haven’t been back since and from what I can see it was not a bad decision.
    Fool me once, shame on you!

  3. I’m fond of Sear’s appliances. Otherwise, Sear’s stores are dull, dark and unappealing. Too many stores, especially the newer or remodeled grocery stores are trying for the warehouse look. They suck.

    I got my hands on six suits a year ago at one of the formerly best grocery stores and let them know I didn’t appreciate having to walk a block past lawn furniture to get to the fresh vegitables. Thought the addition of the wannabe phoo-phoo foods’ chefs to get to the deli for grilled chicken was over the top. Seperate isles for organics and regular foods was a pain. Etcetera, etcetera. The chain is now closing a bunch of stores. Stupid top heavy with suits who didn’t come up the ranks as bag boys.

  4. Amazon is the new sears. Sad for the employees but the company brought it on themselves with poor service and policies. And buying kmart was just dumb. Used to love the Christmas catalog tho.

  5. Sears screwed themselves when they dumped middle-America. When was the last time you saw a toy department, Ted Williams shotgun, or WeatherBeater paint? All our kids’ rooms furniture came from Sears, as well. Then they tried to be Circuit City, Land’s End and Eve Arden. That didn’t work, so maybe, just maybe, they should go back to their roots and sell me an aluminum Jon Boat

  6. @ Anon-a-moose: Dead right. Sears was the original “on-line” retailer. Had they had better management, THEY could have filled the need that Amazon has taken over. Instead, when sales were dropping they chose to merge with the other failing giant retailer Kmart. Poor management killed Sears, but the people responsible got their golden parachutes.

  7. I like Sears. I don’t want them to close.
    But I drove by their biggest store, in my area’s largest mall, Friday night, and the Sears parking lot was pretty near empty.
    Not looking too good.

  8. The comments above read like a “10 easy ways to kill your company” essay. Is there anything they haven’t done wrong? And no one else mentioned the archaic checkout procedures that seem to baffle all of their employees.

    For me, though, it was when they closed the store only about a mile from my house that had an automotive department so I used to get tires & batteries there. Not driving 30 miles to the next closest Sears store when I have Walmart, Tire Kingdom, and a handful of others much closer.

  9. They couldn’t even keep a sears appliance/mail order store
    open here in Guam. It’s that pathetic.
    But, I remember in the 70’s when my dad bought me a H&R
    shotgun/30-30 combo gun as a kid by mail order from them.
    Other than that?

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