WaPo: Scalise shooter identified – IOTW Report

WaPo: Scalise shooter identified

He was a 66 year old Bernie Sanders fan.


Grabien: The shooter at the GOP congressional baseball practice this morning is James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Ill., according to law enforcement officials. Hodgkinson, 66, owns a home inspection business. His home inspection license expired in November 2016 and was not renewed, state records show.

Hodgkinson was charged in April 2006 with battery and aiding damage to a motor vehicle, according to online records in St. Clair County, Illinois. The charges were dismissed, records show.

UPDATE: The shooter appears to be a Bernie Sanders fan. His Facebook page reads, “Democratic Socialism in Three Words: ‘We the People.'”

One of his most recent posts says, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” [sic]

“I want Bernie to Win the White House.” he wrote Aug. 12th, 2016. “Bernie is a Progressive, while Hillary is Republican Lite. … Bernie is the Only Candidate in Decades that Really Cares about the Working Class.” [sic]

h/t Groucho Marxist
h/t The Raven


And  from Mansfield Lovell, a picture so cynical… so, so properly cynical

26 Comments on WaPo: Scalise shooter identified

  1. This nut job is being praised by the left and his actions are being condoned. They will encourage more of this. This guy belonged to an FB group called “Terminate The Republican Party”. Interesting comments on that page.

  2. Listen to “Model Citizen” by Warren Zevon -this man was wrapped too tight and egged on by the Dimmies to hate and DESPISE Trump. Had to have gone to DC to do something like this.

    I lay this on the doorstep of people like Va. Gov. McAwful who immediately cries gun control but doesn’t admit the mind control they use to screw idiots like Hodgkinson so tight they explode. Watch for copy cats – I pray not but…

  3. Fox needs to push this hard because you can be sure the others will only mention it in passing. This are the dangerous hard left and they aren’t always the young and this makes them far more dangerous. This really needs to be tied to the Democrats and all they hate they’ve been spewing. Sessions has to start the investigations in the Democrats, the Clintons and even Bernie if it can be shown that he did something illegal or detestable. These hardline leftists need to be shown they’ve been taken for a ride by the liberal/progressive bloc as represented by the Democrat party and used as cannon fodder.

  4. Congressman do not need security details. They need to be qualified shooters and be armed themselves.Those who are aged or infim may hire their own security details.

  5. wasn’t using an M-4. Judge Napolitano said he was using an AR-47, and knew because he actually shot one himself at some point in his life.

    …an AR-47. This is a similar gun to the also-famous AK-15.

  6. And there’s Sheila Jackass-Lee and Terry McCauliffe stepping over the bodies before they even stop the bleeding screeching about gun control.
    God these people are despicable!

    And that’s why I will never believe another damn thing that ever comes out of Greg Jarrett’s mouth. They make shit up like this and we suppose to have faith in anything else they say? Real authorities. How much other subject matter do the just pull out of their ass.

  8. I personally know one hard core Bernie supporter. It doesn’t surprise me that this one went over the edge. When I look in the eyes of the one I know, I see crazy, rabid hate. I always get the impression that he will turn violent some day.
    I never turn my back on this guy when he is around.

  9. Musical connection to Belleville IL. Both Jay Farrar and Jeff Tweedy were born in Belleville, and formed the Americana band Uncle Tupelo there in the early 90s. When UT went away, Farrar went on to form Son Volt. He resides now in St. L. Tweedy relocated to (gag) Chicago and enjoys tremendous success with his band Wilco. Tweedy is a fanatic liberal Dem Socialist. Farrar, I don’t know.

  10. If it’s possible I am more terrified of these types of nutbags (because they are enabled by Gov. McAwful, Jackson-Lee, Mic-hail Moore) and their gun-repressive ilk then I am of the Taliban and Isis. At least the Taliban and Isis folks are fully exposed and not like crocodiles waiting to spring on unsuspecting citizens. THEY ARE PREDATORS.


    That’s what I was referring too. And now every time he gets on TV acting like a legal scholar I can’t help thinking he’s full of shit. Now I feel the same way about Judge Nap. Can you talk out your ass at your job? Me neither.

    By the way this gun fight was out past 30 yards. That’s why I always cast a crooked eye at the “Just train inside 21 feet” crowd.

  12. Limbaugh said it best … these progtards are being ‘radicalized’ … perfect metaphor
    they’re ‘radicalized’…. just like the muzzrats that plow vans into crowds

  13. Bad Brad June 14m 2017 at 3:23 PM – By the way this gun fight was out past 30 yards. That’s why I always cast a crooked eye at the “Just train inside 21 feet” crowd.

    I practiced handgun on the 50 yard range last weekend. I wasn’t hitting a lot of 10’s but every shot was inside the outer ring. If I can do it, anyone can, but you MUST practice. Often, and not just short range, and not just standing still. Yeah, ammo is expensive and practice takes a lot of time but things are going to get lots worse. The leftards WILL keep pushing and they hate you.

    Anyone who has put off getting their CCW, stop dithering and just do it. Then actually carry. Every day, everywhere. You can only truly rely on yourself. No one else has you or your family’s welfare as their primary concern.

    Old and rickety as I am I can’t catch a bad guy if he runs away so that’d be his best plan if he wants to survive our meeting.

  14. Phuzzy Logick

    The threat has changed. It’s no longer a car jacker, purse snatcher, mugger. You need to include Hajis, Antifa, BLM, and Libtards Bernie supporters. You need to be able to dial it out to 50 yards.

  15. Bad_Brad I can do that. That’s my point – if I can do it, so can most other people… once they’ve practiced.

    I didn’t even own a gun four years ago except for a shotgun I kept in the bedroom closet “just in case”. I saw things getting worse and worse and the insane rage of the left has climbed off the scale. I don’t trust any of them not to completely flip. I could tell stories of people I know firsthand…

  16. Phuzzy Logick

    There’s a lot to being a pistolero. Things get much worse you better have your carbine close too. But yes we are on the same page, you need to start stretching your distances out when practicing/training.

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