President Trump Speaks Out On Alexandria Shooting – IOTW Report

President Trump Speaks Out On Alexandria Shooting

Hannity: President Trump delivered a brief statement about Wednesday’s shooting of GOP congressman Steve Scalise in Alexandria, Virginia.

During his brief statement, the president took the opportunity to update the nation on the condition of the wounded, and call for national unity.

President Trump also to point out the heroism of the Capitol police officers who stopped the gunman.

“Many lives would’ve been lost if not for the heroic actions of the 2 Capitol police officers who took down the gunman despite sustaining gunshot wounds during a very, very, brutal assault,” Trump said.  Video

7 Comments on President Trump Speaks Out On Alexandria Shooting


    Here’s their take:

    1. They blame the gun.
    2. The gun made him do it.
    3. Un-taxed rich people made him do it.
    4. Cathy Griffin had nothing to do with it.
    5. The play depicting Trump stabbed had nothing to do with it.
    6. Bernie supporters had nothing to do with it.
    7. Hillary decrying “summer of resistance” had nothing to do with it.
    8. Assault weapons are bad.
    9. Marxism is good.
    9. Communism is good.
    10. Fascism, when the democrats do it, is morally justified.

    11. Remember, he did it for the children.

    Here’s my take:

    When the culture war truly goes full-retard WE won’t net a .04% shoot to hit ratio, and we won’t do it from only 20 yards away out in the open.

    The media will be all over this proclaiming that it is conservatives causing all of this and that the 2nd Amendment is to blame, when in fact they should be admiring how well gun bearing, bible believing conservatives have been holding their mud.

    Be prepared to defend yourselves AT ALL TIMES.

    Side note: How could this guy get the gun he had when all of this stuff is illegal in Illinois, where gun control is so strong and necessary?


  2. Over the past several nights I’ve been watching Dinesh D’Souza’s lectures at various high schools, colleges and his debates with Leftist ideologues like bill ayers, etc. Last night was the ayer’s/D’Souza debate. I enjoy listening to Dinesh because he lays out, with great clarity, the motivations driving the Left.

    I think it is in his Columbia U. lecture that D’Souza explains much of the Left’s justification for their violence, and it is tied to their propaganda asserting that Trump and his administration are exactly like Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito. And just like the “Great Switch” the Democrats use to explain which is the party of racism, bigotry and violence, they claim happened sometime after the antebellum south, the Left, again, is employing the “Double Lie”, as D’Souza calls it: First Dem/Progressives perpetrate the crime, then they forcefully attack the victims of their crime by blaming them for it.

    As long as people continue to believe that Trump is Hitler or Mussolini, they will believe that physical violence against those who are associated (Scalise) and Trump’s supporters are fair game. These violent, deranged people truly believe they are in a righteous battle against fascism and evil and that beating, killing and otherwise suppressing conservatives is saving America from the evil perpetrated by Hitler, et al. But we will never see a well-known actor, writer, pundit or politician commit these acts. It will always be obscure Joe’s and Jill’s who owned home inspection businesses or were out-of-work Sanders supporters; the ones incited to violence by the hateful rhetoric.

    Here is the link to the Columbia U. lecture. It is well worth your time.

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