The only one exploiting Kamala’s gender and blackness is Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

The only one exploiting Kamala’s gender and blackness is Kamala Harris

Patriot Retort: 

I’m trying to imagine having a conversation with Kamala Harris.

Hi, Dianny. How are you doing today? Is your Lupus bothering
you in this heat?
Hi, Kamala. I’m fine—

Are you aware that your support of Donald Trump could mean
you are a Russian mole?

You asked about my Lup—

I’ve been told about your website. And I know that you’ve made
some racist comments about me.

Racist? Hahaha. No I haven’t. Have you read any of my posts

I only want to get to the truth. And maybe if you would answer
my questions, we could get to the truth.

Yeah. Well, I’m trying to—

I demand that you stop evading my questions and tell me the
truth. Because I will never stop standing up for the truth! You
and those like you will never prevent me from speaking truth
to power!

Sure. Whatever you say. But with regard to your question–

Stop interrupting me! You’re only interrupting me because I’m
a strong, black woman who is not afraid! Now answer my

[sigh] I’ve been trying to answer—

Why do you not employ any transgendered people at!

Well, I don’t employ anyone—

The fact that your site is not inclusive to those from the LGBTQ
community is unconscionable.

I don’t employ anyone. I can barely afford—

And you deny Climate Change! Do you deny that you
deny Climate Change?!

The Climate changes, but man has no significant—

So you’re denier! The fact that you won’t give me a straight
answer only proves you’re a denier! You have Lupus because
of Climate Change. I would think that you of all people
would be in favor of Climate Justice.

I doubt there’s any evidence to back up that Lupus—

Don’t you dare challenge me! I’m the one asking the questions

Senator Burr
Maybe you should allow Dianny to answer a question.

You’re interrupting me?! How dare you! You only interrupt me
because I’m black! And a woman! I’m speaking truth to power!

Kamala’s “I am Victim hear me roar endlessly so the witness can’t answer” routine reared its ugly head again during AG Jeff Sessions’ testimony yesterday.

And once again, Kamala had to be told to shut the hell up so the witness could answer.  MORE


24 Comments on The only one exploiting Kamala’s gender and blackness is Kamala Harris

  1. I wouldn’t do this bitch with Pinko’s unit. LOL. She’s a freaken loser at heart. Always has been. Only state she could get elected AG was California. She’s embarrassing as hell in these integrations.

  2. I hate to tell you but she’s the Left’s new unicorn riding light bringer. Her face is all over my FB newsfeed.

    I liked Melania ‘s birthday card to President DJT on FB. Since it’s a public post my lefty “friends” will see it while scrolling their posts. I hope it irritated the hell out of them.

  3. Wait. She identifies as Black? That’s hilarious.

    If she’s Black, so are Demi Moore, Tina Fey and that Israeli actress in the new Wonder Woman.

    Kamala Harris is lighter skinned than Christie Brinkley.

    Kamala couldn’t pass a DNA test any more than Shaun King.
    If Harris is black, then Liz Warren is a full blooded Apache chieftain.

  4. It wouldn’t take much at all for some really smart people like Horrorman 18 and Groucho Marxist to write her into the script of Blazing Saddles as a whole new character…

  5. Listened to this lying and hypocritical POS every year she was the ca attorney general at the CA Peace Officers’ Memorial. I’ll stop there…

    She deserves nothing less than having her arrogance flung back in her leftist face with vile contempt.

  6. As a gun manufacturer in occupied Cali I can tell you no body knows CHLAMYDIA better than Big Gun. We know each other. He deals with her on a whole different level. There you have it.

  7. I know strong, black women and this bitch ain’t one. She’s barely black and she is not strong because she’s never had to be. She is just another affirmative action bonus-baby who has skated through life while sucking the life force from the unwashed masses who have worked their asses off to bankroll her education and lifestyle. She is a filthy commie whore who would never make it in a free, capitalist system because she is lazy and would refuse to live, except as Dear Leader, in the socialist system she is trying to ram down the throats of those who she feels superior to, which is everyone. She needs to be made irrelevant before she can do great harm to our country. She is the up and coming mixture of Obama and Hillary in one evil package. May God smite her ugly soul.

  8. Come on! She’s actually being touted as an up and coming female, mixed race, articulate, future Democratic Presidential candidate. I don’t think that will last for long if she gets more exposure like the Sessions hearing.
    She was a comedic masterpiece.

  9. Strong black women never play the race card. e.g., Dr. Carol Swain from Vanderbilt University. Accomplished, smart, humble, conservative. As soon as anyone whips out the race card, in my book they are another loser aff action incompetent whiny social promotee. Further, just not playing the race card does not get one to ‘strong’ status, it just means you haven’t been eliminated. You still gotta show me your chops and competence. Same rules for everyone. Harris is a lightweight incompetent shallow affirmative action grifter and loser. She would make a great dnc/communist party prez candidate and follow right in hill’s whiny, angry, perpetually-victimized footsteps.

  10. Looks like it’s time to use the left’s “I Identify As Something I’m Not” strategy against them.

    You’re interrupting me?! How dare you! You only interrupt me
    because I’m black! And a woman! I’m speaking truth to power!

    TN Tuxedo:
    But, Kamala! So am I! And you’re interrupting me, too!

  11. What a bizarre time. Affirmative Action policies incentivize white people to pretend to be black, for cash and hiring prizes.

    DC is full of imaginary “black-ish” officeholders. The former Mayor and Police chief created their entire careers on being “black”, despite appearing completely Caucasian. Their official portrait photos looked like two old Jewish guys.

    Since Obama, the only qualification for “identifying” as black is being any kind of brunette. George Takei, Lucy Lawless, Diane Feinstein, surprise, you’re black!

    It’s the Target-restroom version of race identity.

  12. Back in the 90s, there was a young Florida construction company owner who got tired of being discriminated against and getting shut out of jobs because he was white.
    So he began “identifying ” as Black. As a protest. He was totally white Irish descent– red hair, blue eyes, white skin, Celtic freckles. Think Archie, from Riverdale.
    His protest got some attention. Today, the insanity is so advanced that he would now be accepted as Black.
    Because, if Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal and Kamala Harris are Black, then DNA is just a state of mind.

    Rant off. But in DC, these IBP’s (Imaginary Black People) are suddenly everywhere. A Millenial white girl we know just announced herself at a party as “a woman of color”. This girl looks like Gwyneth Paltrow’s baby sister.
    A blond, Caucasian green eyed Woman Of Color.

    Next it will be identifying as furries. And rhinoceroses. And unicorns.

  13. I’m so ahead of this game.

    When my middle child entered grade school, in the mid-nineties, I got tired of filling out forms and being asked what “race” my blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy was so I marked him down as “African American”. Nary a protest from anyone at the school.

    In fact, no one said anything until after his father and I’d divorced and he’d gone to live with daddy during middle school. Then I got a confused phone call from my ex-, asking me if I knew that the school had our son listed as AA. I told him not only did I know, I’d done it, and furthermore no one had questioned it in all the intervening — because it was the nineties and race was a sacred cow, no matter one’s appearance!

    My ex-, because he has no sense of humor, changed the poor boy back to “White”.

    I’ve always told that child his dad cheated him out of multiple Affirmative Action scholarships . . .

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