RUSH: I want to go to the audio sound bites, and I want to start here first with our buddy Brian Ross. Grab sound bite 29 then we’ll go to 33. Brian Ross, ABC News, when there was a mass shooting in Colorado — I think it was a movie theater, I’m not sure. Brian Ross’s first instinct, first instinct was to try to find a connection between the shooter and conservatism. So he got the shooter’s name, and the first thing he did — instinctively — was look at roster of Tea Party organizations to see if he could find the guy’s name there.
So there was a mass shooting in a movie…
You note these things just don’t happen. Conservatives don’t do these things, much as the media is waiting constantly for it to happen, it doesn’t. Things like this are perpetuated by genuinely insane, out-of-balance people or people like this guy Hodgkinson. At any rate, he found a name on a Tea Party roster in Colorado that was very close to the shooter’s name. So Brian Ross goes on ABC and says, “We can’t be sure, but the shooter could possibly be a member of the Tea Party.” Well, he knows as well as anybody: You don’t even have to confirm it! Just put it out there as a possibility and let your buddies on Twitter take care of the rest — and they did, and for a while the narrative was that the mass shooter in Colorado was Tea Party.
So it’s kind of poetic justice that Brian Ross today could not cover this up.
ROSS: He’s (pause) politically active, according to his social media. On Facebook just a few days ago he was critical of Trump. He said, “Trump and company need to be destroyed because Trump is destroying democracy.” We know he’s 66; he ran a home inspection business, which seemed to have gone out of business sometime last year.
RUSH: Home inspection where he lost his license to inspect homes. But that doesn’t even scratch the surface of who the guy is and the hatred for Donald Trump that he harbored. Look, I know people are able to arrive at opinions independently of stimulation or influence. I understand this. But I have been worried for quite a while about the cumulative effect or impact of this constant anti-Trump hysteria everywhere in mainstream media: New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. It’s hysteria. It’s lies.
It’s things that are completely manufactured about Trump personally, about Trump and Russia, about climate change, about any number of things. As you know, I have been seriously, folks — seriously in a humanitarian sense, not political. I have been very concerned about what all of this is doing to the average, base Democrat voter. I have sensed them getting more and more fringe and imbalanced, and the evidence for it is everywhere in the things that they tweet. They openly promote violence, and advocate some of the most despicable things happening to their political enemies. MORE
Its a mystery why the lefties seem to gravitate to the most hideous, unhinged, despicable,loathsome, subhuman anti-social pukes and seek them out for leadership.