Growing Terrorist Threat From ISIS Bosnian ‘Safe Havens’ – IOTW Report

Growing Terrorist Threat From ISIS Bosnian ‘Safe Havens’

DC: Western leaders are ignoring a growing terrorist nightmare originating from Bosnia as battle-hardened ISIS fighters return to the country and are finding protection in its Islamic “safe havens,” The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.


Bosnia and Herzegovina — a Muslim-majority country in southeastern Europe more popularly known as “Bosnia” — have put out the welcome mat to the foreign fighters, making it clear that shelter is available to them. Bosnia was formerly part of Yugoslavia, one of the Soviet Union’s Eastern European satellites.  more here

6 Comments on Growing Terrorist Threat From ISIS Bosnian ‘Safe Havens’

  1. And also remember those are Biden’s Bosniaks…

    “US Vice President Joseph Biden landed at Sarajevo’s international airport in Bosnia-Herzegovina early on Tuesday morning, officially kicking off his three-day tour of the Balkans. Joe Biden is celebrated among Bosniaks as a staunch supporter of human rights and a committed friend of Bosnia-Herzegovina.”

    Gotta wonder why the Serbs wanted them gone. Well, not really.

  2. Slobodan Milosevic should be canonized as a saint. He was the first one to forcibly take a stand against expansionism from Filthy Mohammedan Savages.

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