Violent Deaths In Baltimore Are Beginning To Rival The Height Of Afghanistan War – IOTW Report

Violent Deaths In Baltimore Are Beginning To Rival The Height Of Afghanistan War


Daily Caller:

Baltimore is experiencing a particularly violent year, with almost 160 people killed in less than six months. To put it in perspective, the height of Obama’s surge in Afghanistan in 2011 saw 499 American KIAs.

Six people died from gunshot wounds in a 24-hour period between Monday and Tuesday, reports CBS Baltimore. Officers responded to five instances of gun violence alone between 8:20 pm Monday and 3:20 am Tuesday.

“It’s guns, gangs and drugs,” Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said at a Tuesday press conference.”I expect people to be upset, to want a better Baltimore, to want a sense of peace and tranquility when they go to their car or to work or walk in the neighborhood, that they don’t have to put up with this crap.”  read more 

14 Comments on Violent Deaths In Baltimore Are Beginning To Rival The Height Of Afghanistan War

  1. Baltimore thugs are just minor league pikers: You have to do better to get the BIG Headlines

    CHICAGO is in the BIG LEAGUES:
    Shot & Killed: 276
    Shot & Wounded: 1279
    Total Shot: 1555
    Total Homicides: 292

  2. Hood rats are a charming addition to any neighborhood. Obozo had a program to sprinkle them into middle class areas across the US. Especially in red states. That was going to get ugly real quick.

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