ESPN still can’t figure out why they’re losing viewers – IOTW Report

ESPN still can’t figure out why they’re losing viewers

Daily Caller:

ESPN Host Says NFL Injects Politics ‘By Playing The National Anthem’

ESPN “First Take” co-host Max Kellerman said during Thursday morning’s show that the NFL injects politics “by playing the national anthem and putting pressure on you to stand for it.”

Kellerman made the statement during a segment that compared NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick to world renowned boxer Muhammad Ali during a discussion with Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett.

Kellerman said that neither Ali nor Kaepernick went looking for a protest. The protest came looking for them.

“He was asked to stand for the national anthem,” Kellerman said. “You do not have to stand for the national anthem, and even if it was a rule that you did, is that Colin Kaepernick injecting politics into the NFL? No, that’s the NFL injecting politics.”

“I’m very patriotic. I stand for the national anthem proudly,” Kellerman added. “The reason I am patriotic is because you do not have to stand for the national anthem.”

Fellow “First Take” co-host Stephen A. Smith responded by discussing the public setting of the protest.  more here

16 Comments on ESPN still can’t figure out why they’re losing viewers

  1. Kaepernick has every right as an American to not stand for the National Anthem and the NFL team owners have every right as American companies to not hire him.

    ESPN has every right as an American company to support Kaepernick and any other leftist causes they choose and we have every right as Americans to not watch them anymore.

    That’s how it works.

  2. Thanks a bunch. You hate me. Why? What have I done to you? Nothing spoils my breakfast like another photo of this whiny-assed Kaffir-nig. Lest my comment be opportunistically labeled racist by those who opportunistically label all things racist, note that I made no mention of his college track and field accomplishments.

  3. ESPN does not get it, as long as they were about sports, everything went well. When they started getting into politics, viewers fled. Sports provide a get away from reality foe a while.
    When the two are mixed, the result is a crap sandwich, that nobody wants.

  4. I sued to watch Kellerman on Friday Night Fights (one of out local cable outlets booght the reruns) and he was pretty funny and had a good handle on the sport. I stopped watching him when he moved up into pay cable but I gather he started getting more political as his show grew. ESPN folks really need to get rid of this guy for his ongoing political oriented comments that he injects more and more into his show. I actually kind of hope ESPN goes under as that would bring some sanity back to pro sports in general and specifically the channels that broadcast it.

  5. ESPN – You can continue to keep ‘not getting it’ and I will continue to not watch.

    Laura Ingraham has a book ‘Shut Up and Sing’, suggesting musicians should stop injecting politics in their concerts. That sentiment applies to athletes and sportscasters too.


    The ISIS-looking, gang-tattooed, giant afro-sporting, America-hating, team-disrupting, bring-your-political-baggage-to-work, 2nd-string dirtbag?

    What’s not to like?

  7. I’ve followed boxing all my life. But that douche bag Max Kellerman is pissing me off. He just said that playing the national anthem before games is politically divisive. He also has a slanted view calling fights when a black is involved.


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