Shots fired at a MAGA truck on eastbound I-465 – IOTW Report

Shots fired at a MAGA truck on eastbound I-465


American Lookout: Less than 24 hours after a hateful Democrat tried to mass murder Republican leaders at a baseball field another violent attack from the left was made against the right as someone fired bullets at a Trump truck in Indianapolis.

Fox 59 reported:

Indiana State Police say shots were fired at a truck carrying a “Make America Great Again” flag and an American flag on eastbound I-465 Tuesday.

Officers believe the shots were fired from a newer white 4-door Chevrolet Malibu with a Louisiana plate near Emerson Avenue around 4 p.m.

The victim and a witness informed police that the Malibu pulled up next to the pickup truck, a passenger held a handgun out of the window and then a male fired several shots.

Police say no one was in injured in the incident.


10 Comments on Shots fired at a MAGA truck on eastbound I-465

  1. Yesterday’s local paper had a headline about the Virginia shooting that mentioned nothing about the Congressman shot and the byline under the photograph read: Democrats ran for cover.

    As if the Democrats were also being targeted by the shooter. I have yet to see today’s paper, but I’m sure there will be no mention of this shooting either.

  2. It used to be the stereotype (easy Rider scenarios) rednecks shooting at the “long-haired pinko commie hippies” type out in the boondocks. Now you have the far left wing Marxist spewing pink hatters who support democrats that are committing these crimes against patriots supporting the government. Go figure as I guess the 2010’s are becoming more like the sixties!

  3. Progressivism is inherently violent and malicious. They are like ISIS. It’s time the right woke up to this fact and quit pretending we can all get along.

  4. I grew up in the 60’s and came of age in the early 70’s, we don’t need a repeat of my generations the “baby boomers” tantrum against power and authority again. I don’t want to see deja vu all over again. Hell, these jerks are still carrying on like Nixon was still President and Vietnam was still being fought when it was their beloved LBJ who screwed everything up in the 1st place. I despise the left and the leftover hippies and others who never grew up to accept responsibility for anything. There was an article in yesterday’s American Thinker that made a similar point which is worth reading.

  5. I caught hell in the 70s from “old” people judging me, calling me hippie, commie,dirty outlaw biker,etc. simply because I had a lotta hair and rode an old chopped Panhead.
    I’m old now with no hair, still ridin’ a Hog and still catchin’ flack…. except now from youngsters calling me fascist, baby killer,racist,etc. Funny thing is….I’m the same person I have always been…..absolutely not any of the things people call me.
    Conclusion; people are dumber than anybody.

  6. “I don’t have any stickers on my car. It ain’t worth it.”
    Oh, I don’t know… maybe something like: If you can read this, you were in laser sight range 45 yards ago.”

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