Dennis Rodman Gives NoKo ‘The Art of the Deal’ – IOTW Report

Dennis Rodman Gives NoKo ‘The Art of the Deal’

American Lookout:

Dennis Rodman is an unusual guy. He recently visited North Korea and while he was there, he gave the gift of Trump in the form of a book.

The Associated Press reported:

Rodman gives Kim the gift of Trump: ‘The Art of the Deal’

Dennis Rodman has delivered a message from President Donald Trump to North Korea — sort of.

On Thursday, the former NBA player gave the country’s sports minister a copy of Trump’s book “The Art of the Deal,” a present intended for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

It wasn’t signed by Trump, who was Rodman’s boss for two seasons of the “Celebrity Apprentice” reality TV show. Rodman has said his visit has nothing to do with the White House.

9 Comments on Dennis Rodman Gives NoKo ‘The Art of the Deal’

  1. Screw him! and his lousy hairstyle too! Oh and for the record, this illustrates why we need to strip people of their citizenship as a means of punishment! We need to rescind the Supreme Court decision of Trop v. Dulles, 356 U.S. 86 (1958), to send a message to idiots like him!

  2. The book wasn’t signed, but it had a dedication from the author that prolly went like this:
    You listen to me, you demented little dwarf, you keep fucking with the United States I am going to nuke your shithole country so bad that it will glow in the dark for a thousand years.

  3. It was probably under the pretext of “if you want to understand the man then read this book”. Kind of like in the movie Patton, he reads Rommels book and is able to outmaneuver him.

  4. Patton may have done that to Rommel, but there is no Patton in NK. That little handgrenade with a bad haircut can maybe read his book, but i seriously doubt anyone in NK can outmaneuver The Master

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