Hillary Clinton Wonder Woman – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Wonder Woman

Via Scooter Van Neuter @ World News Bureau

15 Comments on Hillary Clinton Wonder Woman

  1. I see transparent textbook Narcissistic Egomania that should not fool a 9 year old girl.
    Her followers are hypnotically worshipful. Her perky chirpy zombies eagerly put on pink knit baby’s caps to signal that #ImWithHer.
    These people will just as eagerly march for Sharia, and will line up to vote for it when they are told to.

    Maybe it’s time to really, seriously rethink the Universal Vote.

    People under active psychiatric care (much of the Hilary voters) should face the same restrictions on voting as they do purchasing a gun.

  2. HILLARY GO AWAY? ? ? Are you kidding me?

    Like Nancy Pelosi, I hope these 2 doddering old skanks keep saying stupid things and over-exposing themselves to the public who soundly hates both of them.

    Do you REALLY want young go-getters firing up the base, or these two old lumbering dinosaurs? One has early onset of Alzheimer’s disease, and the other is one seizure away from a nursing home.

    Think about what you’re saying.

  3. Because the feckless and shameless American Justice System, ie, DOJ & FBI, won’t prosecute and sentence this blatant felonious traitor, then she should be exiled to foreign lands where she will be sodomized, murdered, and then her corpse sodomized. That would be fitting.

    As when a serial child rapist gets an easy sentence but gets murdered in the joint.

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