If Hawaii is serious about joining the Paris Climate Accord… – IOTW Report

If Hawaii is serious about joining the Paris Climate Accord…


Since President Trump pulled us out of the Paris Climate accord, some western states have threatened to have their states rejoin that man-made disaster.  Even as I write this, the state of Hawaii is attempting to join the accord.  However, those UN bureaucrats that enforce the terms of that agreement are insisting that the Aloha State cap the globes largest single emitter of hydrocarbons—-‘Mount Mauna Loa’.  For over 400,000 years Mauna Loa has been spewing it’s pollution into the atmosphere.  Now that leading scientist around the world are in agreement that, man can indeed control the climate, it’s time the state of Hawaii stepped to the plate and plugged this environmental disaster.


12 Comments on If Hawaii is serious about joining the Paris Climate Accord…

  1. This has to be the Onion. Volcanoes do Produce Massive Pollution , But you Can’t Cap it. It’s Venting for a Reason, unless they’re cool with Blowing the Island Up !

  2. Isn’t it specifically against the Constitution for states to negotiate or enter into treaties with foreign powers? If so, US Marshals should arrest the governors and legislatures of said states proclaiming them to be in rebellion and strip them of statehood.

  3. When it’s dark, know what plants and tree emit? CO2. When it’s light, know what plants and trees emit? O2. CO2 is a trace gas, that has very little to do with fucking warming. Mars is about 90 some percent CO2, yet you would be colder than a well diggers ass there. Now, I’m no CO2-ologist, but I know absolute bullshit when I see it.

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