Did Kamala Harris sleep her way to the top? – IOTW Report

Did Kamala Harris sleep her way to the top?

Kamala Harris was 29, Willie Brown was 60.
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h/t Doc.

22 Comments on Did Kamala Harris sleep her way to the top?

  1. Harris became the SF DA in 2003, and we moved to that benighted city the next year. That she and Brown were bumpin’ uglies was no secret. If this is being “discovered” today somebody hasn’t been paying attention nor talking to the right city-full of people.

  2. Nope, not buying it. There isn’t anyone I’ve ever known who could be interrupted as often as she does to complete a sexual act. Let alone, get any “sleep” unless you’re used to sleeping with the stereo blasting. Bet this gal could chew bubble gum and blow a bubble while…

  3. Remember obama’s apology to her? I think he got one of ‘those’ looks from Michele. Harris may have gotten the White House tour that Kennedy gave to Marilyn Monroe.

    Now the democRATS are beginning to latch onto her as a possible presidential candidate. She just has to tune her obnoxious factor a bit more.


    “She’s brilliant and she’s dedicated, she’s tough,” Obama said of the California attorney general. “She also happens to be, by far, the best-looking attorney general … It’s true! C’mon.”

  4. Well, I guess it’s true … Willie WILL fuck anything!

    He’s been fucking the taxpayers and his donors for years …

    “If you can’t take their money and screw em, you’re in the wrong line of work.”
    (Willie Brown, discussing donors)

    izlamo delenda est …


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