Paul Nehlen: “…I am announcing my second challenge to Paul Ryan for the nomination in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.” – IOTW Report

Paul Nehlen: “…I am announcing my second challenge to Paul Ryan for the nomination in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.”

Giddy Up!


Paul Nehlen, a Republican businessman from Wisconsin’s first congressional district, has just launched his 2018 congressional campaign against the anti-Donald Trump House Speaker Paul Ryan.

This is the second time Nehlen is challenging Ryan, after coming up short in the 2016 GOP primary in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.

“Speaker Ryan didn’t help Mr. Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, and even pledged not to defend the president,” Nehlen said in his announcement. “But I have a message for Speaker Ryan: The American people are not done fighting for President Trump’s good agenda. That’s why I am announcing my second challenge to Paul Ryan for the nomination in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.”

Nehlen’s comment refers to audio unearthed by Breitbart News of Ryan during a conference call with House GOP members in which he not only abandoned now-President Donald Trump during the most crucial month of October of the 2016 presidential campaign but pledged to never defend the president again.

“I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future,” Ryan said in the audio of the conference call with House GOP colleagues, which came after the Access Hollywood tape of Trump emerged. Ryan’s comments were notable because he did not say he specifically would not defend Trump on the Access Hollywood tape. His comments meant he would not defend the man who is now president of the United States on anything.

Ryan refused to campaign with President Trump at all until the end of the campaign, but did appear with now-Vice President Mike Pence.  Continued

20 Comments on Paul Nehlen: “…I am announcing my second challenge to Paul Ryan for the nomination in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.”

  1. If you’ve never given to a campaign — either by making calls, door-belling, or, especially, financially — NOW is the time to do it! Go through those pockets, under the couch cushions, and that pile of pennies collecting dust and send it on to Nehlen’s campaign. Don’t give it to the GOP-e!

    We’ve got to get rid of Ryan and, most importantly, send a strong message to the rest of the RepubliCrats that we’re done playing footsies with them.

    Please put your money where your mouths are. 🙂


    Paul Ryan’s first major legislative achievement as Speaker of the House in 2016 was a total and complete sell-out of the American people that masqueraded as an appropriations bill.

    (1) Ryan’s Omnibus Fully Funds DACA

    (2) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Sanctuary Cities

    (3) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All Refugee Programs

    (4) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All of the Mideast Immigration Programs That Have Been Exploited by Terrorists in Recent Years

    (5) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Illegal Alien Resettlement

    (6) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds the Release of Criminal Aliens

    (7) Ryan’s Omnibus Quadruples H-2B Foreign Worker Visas

    (8) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Tax Credits for Illegal Aliens

    (9) Ryan’s Omnibus Locks-In Huge Spending Increases

    (10) Ryan’s Omnibus Fails to Allocate Funds to Complete the 700-Mile Double-Layer Border Fence That Congress Promised the American People

    RINO, Not trustworthy, has no integrity and has no leadership ability.

  3. If he only took 20% last time around he better get cracking now. People are basically lazy and will vote for the same person they did last time without knowing the issues unless they are shoved in their faces and you can bet the media won’t be noting any of Ryan’s shortfalls. It will cost a lot of money and a lot of work to unseat Ryan but at the end of the day Nehlen may have a secret weapon. A president who doesn’t really care about the “rules” only what’s right. If the economy is ticking over, illegals are beginning to be pushed back over the border opening up jobs (low level though they may be they are still jobs that Americans can use as stepping stones), welfare is down, HealthCare is fixed etc then if Trump endorsed Nehlen over Ryan it could easily unseat the speaker. Of course Ryan could try running as an independent but that could destroy any future he has in politics or a cusy golden parachute job.

  4. I am so excited that he will run and I will be happy to donate generously to his campaign!!! I have been so sick of Ryan for such a long time. There are others I would like to see the back of, but this is a great start!

  5. I know Ryan is a turd, but is Nehlen a viable, competent, articulate candidate? He needs to get a national vetting.

    I don’t mind donating to out of state campaigns. Believe me, I’ve done plenty of that. With mixed results

    But I need assurance that the guy can win.

    Any Wisconsinites out there that can shed light on this?
    Having a huge economic advantage doesn’t ensure victory. Just ask my old congressman, Eric Cantor.
    And the money people in the area were very supportive of his challenger in private, but wouldn’t play because of the possibility of retribution if cantor won the primary.

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