Powerline: For nearly three decades, the St. Louis Cardinals have held a yearly event called “Christian Day.” The team calls this a reflection of its commitment “to bringing like-minded groups together to share in the unifying experience of Cardinals baseball.” The same commitment manifests itself in Jewish Community Night, Catholic Family Night, Bosnian Heritage Night, Fiesta Cardenales (heavy on cultural appropriation, I hope), etc. And this year the Cardinals are scheduled to host their first “Pride Night” for members of the LGBT Community.

The guest speaker for Christian Day is former Cardinals star Lance Berkman, a strongly committed Christian. A few years ago, Berkman spoke out against a Houston city ordinance that would allow transgender people access to bathrooms opposite their biological gender.  read more


  1. If the LGBT activists are upset, I suggest they go to a shrink and get some meds.

    Berkman is absolutely cirrect that that 98% of the population should not have to change long standing social norms to accomodate the feelings of a very small percentage of mentally ill people.

    Screw them! Not our problem!

  2. Normalizing perversion should never be accepted regardless of religion.
    Nobody who cares about normalcy and decorum, especially where their kids are concerned, wants any exposure to this bathroom bullshit that’s right out of Rules for Radicals circa 2012!

  3. While I appreciate the Cards standing up against the LGBT gangs I only wish it would have been a little bigger victory. Like the LGBT threatening to boycott the Pride Night the Cards are having for them and the Cards saying ok, Pride NIght is off. I’d bet that attendence wouldn’t be effected in the least and it would give a big enough victory to inspire others to stand against the LGBT bullying.

  4. One final thinkg. Is it really 2% of the population are living the gay life whether in the closet or not? I’d sure like to see an accurate breakdown (gay, lesbian, male-bi, female-bi etc) and it wouldn’t count the ones that experimented for awhile then went back to being straight and have happily been there ever since. I get the feeling that the number could actually be lower then 2% but that number is being grimly held onto by the gay community ever since the famous 10% was proven to be bunk.

  5. Why do sports team find it necessary to have a special night for religious groups or any kind of community?
    I can see it for our armed forces, and a family night, and even honoring former baseball players but other than that, cut out the special interest group night and then you don’t have to worry about “special snowflakes” butt-hurt feelings.
    Oh and also, I hope President Trump makes it a point to end Pro Sport teams from visiting the White House. That will also end butt-hurt cry babies from getting their feelings hurt because the president is a meanie.

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