Judicial Watch: Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Documents Moved from NSC to Obama Library – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Documents Moved from NSC to Obama Library

Breitbart- The National Security Council cannot hand over records relating to former National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s surveillance of Americans, because they have been moved to the Obama presidential library and may be sealed for as may as five years, conservative watchdog Judicial Watch announced Monday.

The NSC informed Judicial Watch in a letter dated May 23 that materials related to Rice’s requests to know the identities of Americans swept up in surveillance of foreign targets, including any Trump campaign or transition officials, have been moved to the library.

The NSC’s Director of Access Management John Powers said in the letter:

Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.

Judicial Watch earlier this year filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for those documents, including of communications between Rice and any intelligence community member or agency regarding any Russian involvement in the 2016 elections, the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers, or any suspected communications between Russia and Trump officials.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the group will seek to find out when the records were moved, and warned of legal actions.  more

32 Comments on Judicial Watch: Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Documents Moved from NSC to Obama Library

  1. Watch this library stash to disappear. He doesn’t have a
    proper shithole to call a library yet, they are still looking
    for a trailer big enough to fit his shit.

  2. They’re gonna get “lost” before anyone ever sees them again. Fucking democrats always get to skirt the law because they’ve assimilated the DoJ like a Borg infestation.

  3. Oh, they thundered on so in the wake of Watergate about the need for transparency and that great disinfectant, sunshine. Dam admin? Not so much. FOIA? We’ll take your request at the window in front and stonewall it while we move the docs out the back. Sorry, nothing to see here, move along…

  4. That sob was a slithering slimy crook, from his first campaign until after completion of his second term. Lord let us hope we never see anything like this low-life scum in the WH ever again.

  5. obama received his daily briefs *snort* on an iPad. Further, he extended the number of recipients to 30+ to include the former pizza delivery guy, NSC spokesperson Tommy “That was like 2 yrs ago, dude” Vietor. Think about that.
    This is typical obstruct and run out the clock tactics. Electronic copies are in the hands of Russia and/or China, the Gang of 8 have them as well.
    Whether or not Trumps Intel agencies and DOJ (of which are still staffed with obama/Clinton loyalists), decide to pursue remains to be seen.
    Sadly, the continual pursuit of “Trump illegalities” intended to bog down his admin, leads me to believe nothing further will come of this.

  6. I heard from an anonymous source they wanted Sandy Berger to move the documents for them, but since he passed away 2 years ago, they took the more direct approach.

  7. “Kept from the public” doesn’t mean “immune from subpoena,” does it?

    One more indication that our gov’t doesn’t work for us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I think a Raid complete with bags for evidence should be conducted on wherever these records are kept, and whoever is standing over them jailed for true obstruction.
    End the mulatto hegemony

  9. Learning of this infuriates me.

    @czar: thanks for your post with the url. I was going to put that here myself.
    Anyone who has the means should support Judicial Watch. They are doing what the members of congress won’t. http://www.judicialwatch.org/
    Donate to here, IOTW, too, certainly. I know they need it, but don’t want to belabor us with reminders that they need help too.
    It is time to ‘unmask’ hussein obama and find out just who that rat bastard is. Unmask his records.

  10. This cannot be allowed to stand. Ginzberg is no longer physically able to do her job on SCOTUS and needs to be removed posthaste and a conservative replace her.The moment the other one announces his retirement another conservative must replace him. The Democrats have so perverted the law that there is not a case to be made for a balanced court if only to try to right the wrongs such as this that have taken place.
    The Justice department must subpeona those rocords and go collect them with the assistance of FBI armed guards if necessary. After this trick if Sessions doesn’t immeditely start investigating Clinton(s) and Obama then Trump needs a person at the helm.

  11. I recommend to the dems that they foment a tax revolution but then that would be like asking them to starve themselves to death. (But they’re stupid enough to do it.)

  12. Sounds like the Obama cronies colluded to obstruct justice by moving the documents. I think any investigation into tampering with our election or abuse of powers takes precedent over some rule about sealed documents. Particularly if it pertains to current events. This sealing allows an administration to corrupt the process then hide the evidence.

    As Obama was fond of saying ‘that’s not who we are’.

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